Josias: Number 1 of the series, Haddad gains the aura of a Presidential Alternate

The columnist of UOL Josias de Souza estimates that Fernando Haddad’s good performance in the economic field will qualify him for the presidential election.

The first successes in the first six months of economic policy, with inflation falling, setting the stage for a central bank rate cut from August and the minister draped in the Desenrola banner, give it all an aura of an alternative president to Fernando Haddad. Josias de Souza, UOL columnist

When attending UOL NewsJosias pointed out that a possible scenario for 2026 points to a “rematch” between Tarcísio de Freitas and Haddad, who faced each other in the last São Paulo state government election. For the columnist, Lula is still the PT’s strongest name for 2026, but the current Treasury Secretary is proving a viable option.

If Lula arrives on the show in 2026 with sufficient power and success, he will be the contestant. Should he not be able to run for any reason, Haddad will go to the front of the line and has already shown he is a competitive candidate in an agreement with Lula. Josias de Souza, UOL columnist

Josias: Lula is making great progress in stopping talking nonsense and saying coherent things about Venezuela

Josias de Souza sees progress in Lula’s speech on Venezuela. The columnist pointed out that the President had “stopped talking nonsense” when he declared that the solution for the neighboring country “must come from the people”. Josias recalled that the petista caused controversy when he spoke about issues such as democracy and the defense of Nicolás Maduro, but now he “acts with common sense”.

Lula still doesn’t see a resolution to the Venezuela drama, but he’s at least showing signs that he’s started to see the problem. Lula surrendered to proving there was no magical solution in sight and stopped pulling possums out of hats. There was a big step forward on Lula’s part: he stopped talking nonsense and started saying things related to the topic. Josias de Souza, UOL columnist

Lula tries to attract Centrão without giving the impression of making a “deal with the devil,” says Josias de Souza

Commenting on the ministerial reform, in which the Centrão keeps tabs on the files of Lula’s allies, Josias believes the president is at the center of a thorny issue: how to integrate the Centrão into his government without causing conflict with his base generate? Sale of important portfolios? The columnist points out the risks of ministerial changes and assesses the danger of new scandals.

Since taking office, Lula has attempted to reconcile two conflicting and seemingly irreconcilable needs. He must include the Centrão in his government without giving the impression that he is making a deal with the devil. Some exchanges would be ruinous for the government. Lula tries to take precautions to avoid major government scandals. Josias de Souza, UOL columnist

O UOL News is broadcast from Monday to Friday in three editions: at 8am, at 12pm with a presentation by Fabíola Cidral and at 6pm with Diego Sarza. The program is always live.

When: Monday to Friday, at 8:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Where to watch: Live at home UOL, UOL on YouTube and Facebook UOL.

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