It seems like everyone has something to say about artificial intelligence, especially in movies. After Christopher Nolan, a real AI alarmist, it is now James Cameron’s turn to speak on the subject. Rest assured, the director of “Avatar” has no intention of using this technology to write the screenplay for his next film. In addition, the Oscar winner expressed doubts about the ability of robots to “write a good story”.
“Personally, I don’t believe that a disembodied spirit simply takes what other incarnated spirits have said – about the life they’ve lived, about love, about lying, about fear, about mortality – and wraps it all up in a salad.” full of words…I don’t think anything that will ever move an audience can come out of this. You have to be human to write that. I don’t know anyone who would think of having an AI write a screenplay,” he told CTV News. And to add: “Let’s wait twenty years and if an AI wins the Oscar for best screenplay, I think we have to take it seriously.”
danger of militarization
However, James Cameron is a bit somber when it comes to the military field: “You have to follow the money. Who builds these things? They are either designed to dominate market share, which is tantamount to teaching them greed, or they are designed to be defensive, which is tantamount to teaching them paranoia. I think using AI as a weapon is the greatest danger. »
And his omen is not the most encouraging. “I think we’re going to get into the equivalent of a nuclear arms race with AI, and even if it’s not coming from us, it’s going to come from others, and then there’s going to be an escalation… You can imagine an AI in one.” Battlefield, the whole thing is done by computers at a speed beyond human intervention and lacks the ability to de-escalate. »
A scenario that he had already considered forty years ago and that Arnold Schwarzenegger embodied. “I warned you in 1984 and you didn’t listen,” he said in reference to Terminator, which is set in a world where an artificial intelligence defense network, Skynet, has taken notice and conquered humanity.