Summer rescue in August mission impossible The weather network

Summer rescue in August, mission impossible? – The weather network

The Weather Network editorial team

WeatherMediaPublished on July 22, 2023 at 11:26 am

Updated on July 22, 2023 at 11:30 am.

After a particularly wet month of July, could the trend reverse in August? The chances are slim.

The summer of 2023 is decidedly extraordinary, with Quebec struggling with both unusually high rainfall and above-average temperatures — with the rainfall often accompanied by disappointing mercury temperatures. This is explained in particular by the abundance of clouds, an obvious feature of rainy days, which limits the heat contribution of the sun.

How is it that the summer of 2023 combines these two elements?

“A huge atmospheric trough, firmly anchored west of Quebec, plays an important role in these dynamics,” explains meteorologist Réjean Ouimet. This allowed for increases in both tropical heat and humidity. Therefore, a low-pressure corridor was created in Belle Province that favored rain.

One Quebec community has been particularly badly burned since the start of the summer season: Sherbrooke. “After June, which was unusually hot and terribly wet, the situation worsened in July this year, with record rain and temperatures worthy of the hottest months of July,” explains Réjean Ouimet.

A strange context

Quebec is therefore facing a somewhat unusual situation, emphasizes the meteorologist. Since 1942, only in the 12th July months it was possible to combine heat and abundant rain than usual.

When this trend is present, the following August will be slightly cooler and wetter than normal in most cases. While the month of July records rainfall records, the month of August follows with disappointing mercury and plentiful clouds.