Alessandro Sallusti in the lap on the stage of Palazzo Paleologo in Trino for the eighth edition of the Identity Cities Festival conceived and directed by Edoardo Sylos Labini to rediscover the cultural, historical and artistic symbols of Italian provincial cities. On stage, the director of “Libero” also spoke about Marco Travaglio. “An actor. He plays the left, but in reality he’s on the far right,” Sallusti said. “Since the character works, he plays this one. And it’s even better in the theater than in the newspaper,” jokes Sallusti. “In his portrayal there is also the fact that he was Montanelli’s right arm: that is a sensational lie. In the 80’s I worked with Montanelli and Travaglio was deputy sports correspondent from Turin. Montanelli didn’t even know it existed.”
The director of Libero also talks about the book he could publish about Giorgia Meloni’s political vision. “Over the last few months I have had the honor and pleasure of collecting Giorgia Meloni’s vision that would soon become a book. And “My free song could be a perfect title,” says Sallusti, referring to the famous song Arianna performed that night, explaining that Meloni “would feel very comfortable on this stage because the meaning of her vision revolves around identity.”
One of the challenges that Giorgia Meloni has to face is the reform of the judiciary. “I hope she can do it, it doesn’t seem to me that she’s afraid, but the will of a Prime Minister or a majority, nor the votes in Parliament are not enough. The judiciary is an enormous and insidious power,” explains Sallusti, who, with former ANM President Luca Palamara, wrote a book on the judicial scandals, “Il Sistema”, brought to the theater by Edoardo Sylos Labini.