Strolling through Reggio with Scopelliti Dozens of people greeted him

Strolling through Reggio with Scopelliti: “Dozens of people greeted him with emotion” StrettoWeb


“I walked along the promenade defined by Gabriele D’Annunzio the most beautiful in Italy. My guide was Joseph Scopelliti, historical mayor of Reggio Calabria. I saw dozens of fellow citizens stop to greet him and thank him for all he has done for their city. In the eyes of all these people, I felt a sincere and deep emotion as I recalled a past season of great growth and great enthusiasm that made Reggio a city projected into the future.” He writes in a moving post on Facebook Andrew Pierleoni, President of AIDI – Italian Business Association. The post is accompanied by photos, some of which are visible in the searchable gallery above.

“In Giuseppe’s eyes, however, there was – as the article goes on to say – the awareness that he had acted as a politician in love with his city, animated by vision, passion, competence. I will go home tomorrow with renewed confidence that when politics is entrusted to enlightened and visionary people, everyone’s life improves and the future seems less nebulous. The time of redemption will come and we at AIDI – Associazione Imprese d’Italia will be by your side to celebrate it properly. Because in the end, love always triumphs over hate and envy,” concludes Pierleoni.

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