Spain in Election Mode: Keys to Voting

The new government is determined by the new parliament for a period of four years.

Prensa Latina offers the Spanish dialing keys for July 23, 2023:

-176 seats or the sum of these seats between different political organizations are required for an absolute majority.

– If neither an absolute majority nor an agreement between the parties can be reached, new elections would have to be called and the current government would remain in office.

– According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), 37,466,432 voters can vote in the elections to the Cortes Generales (Parliament). Of these, 35,141,122 live in Spain and 2,325,310 abroad.

– Around 2.6 million people exercised their right to vote by mail, a historic record.

-The four organizations with real chances for the majority of votes are the ruling Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE), the conservative Popular Party (PP), the left-wing Sumar movement and the far-right Vox.

-The leaders of the respective organizations and therefore potential presidents are Pedro Sánchez (PSOE), Alberto Núñez Feijóo (PP), Yolanda Díaz (Sumar) and Santiago Abascal (Vox).

-Spain is governed by a constitutional monarchy whose current head of state is King Felipe VI. is. The head of government is elected by parliament in general elections.

-The state is organized territorially in communes, provinces and the formed Autonomous Communities, all of which administer their own administrations autonomously.

-Spain has had 14 legislative periods from 1977 to the present:

-Constituent legislature with two governments of the Union of the Democratic Center (UCD) chaired by Adolfo Suárez.

-I The legislature consists of nine governments, four of which are headed by Adolfo Suárez and the other five by Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo, both from the UCD.

-II. Legislative period with two governments of the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) chaired by Felipe González.

-III. Legislative period consisting of two cabinets, in the IV, in which six follow each other, and in the V, consisting of five. They are all led by Felipe González.

-VI The legislature consists of four governments of the Popular Party (PP) chaired by José María Aznar. The five cabinets of the 7th legislative period also come from the PP and are also led by José María Aznar.

-VIII. and IX. Legislative session, both with five cabinets, chaired by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero of the PSOE.

-X The legislature chaired by Mariano Rajoy of the PP had five cabinets.

-XI. legislature. In the absence of an agreement to nominate a candidate for President, Mariano Rajoy and the last Cabinet of the Xth Term remain in office.

-XII legislature chaired by the Government Mariano Rajoy. After a motion of no confidence, the president has been Pedro Sánchez of the PSOE since June 1, 2018.

-XIII. Legislature Pedro Sánchez remains in office, having failed to obtain a sufficient majority to be sworn in as President, and is the last government of the XII. legislature.

-XIV. Legislative period, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is installed.
