Horoscopes for three zodiac signs on July 23rd in Mercury

Horoscopes for three zodiac signs on July 23rd in Mercury square Uranus

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on July 23, thanks to Mercury square Uranus. So here’s a day that we think we’re the one to save the day, while today all we have to do is sit back and watch it all fall apart. On July 23, 2023 we have the strange transit of Mercury square Uranus that will strike three zodiac signs in the wrong direction.

For many people here this means that we will do our best to “save” something or show others that we have the right contingency plan and in the end we will show them and ourselves that we are quite simply naïve. We have big intentions but are not organized or well researched. In fact, in the Mercury square Uranus age, we think we will get things done because we are passionate. Unfortunately, today, July 23, all our passion is being laughed at. OK, we tried.

Trying is what we will do all day long. We may not even understand the hint that what we are aiming for just isn’t working. The naïve heroic complex we’re stuck in doesn’t seem to want to let go, so we keep chewing on with pride like we’re pit bulls on a mission. What’s special about Mercury square Uranus is that it speaks to the hero in us, and while that looks nice on paper, it’s exactly what compels us to take the wrong moves.

Three zodiac signs will not understand why their master plan is not working today. Whether it’s helping someone else or just thinking we’re helping someone, we’re not going to be able to seem helpful today. Instead we will be a nuisance. We may not understand where we went wrong, but in the long run it’s probably plain old Mercury square Uranus that makes us think our crazy plan would work.

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes for July 23:

1. Cancer

(June 21 – July 22)

Today, July 23, 2023, you may not be able to stop yourself from meddling in someone else’s life. You believe with all your heart that it is your duty as a friend or supportive family member to stop what that person is doing so that you can set them on the right path. While Mercury is square Uranus in the sky, the need to intervene will be very strong for you, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re right.

While you think you have the answers to all their questions, the truth is that you don’t, and this person has to manage their own life their way. You need to ask yourself today if you are truly there for them or if you are “helpful” enough to be recognized as a good person. That’s a fair question, which may be why it’s difficult for you today. Are you interested in helping or are you right?

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2. Virgo

(23 August – 22 September)

Today, July 23, 2023, what is tripping you up is the notion that you are not progressing as fast as you thought you might and it could be something to do with diet, training, or achieving a specific physical goal. You thought you could do it your way and refused to face the facts. As Mercury squares Uranus, these facts will come up again and you won’t want to hear them.

This transit makes you feel like you are losing the battle against yourself and makes you angry. You want to be a winner and that’s not the case. You also don’t want to explore the possibilities of why you’re not achieving your goals. This isn’t about everything, Virgo. Physical work has to be done. Don’t let Mercury square Uranus convince you that you don’t have to do the work.

RELATED: The Fascinating Way Each Zodiac Sign Lies

3. Aquarius

(January 20 – February 18)

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Mercury square Uranus keeps you so firmly entrenched in your dogma that you can hardly afford a second opinion. While you may be strong, you are certainly not brave when you admit that you need to do something about the situation that is making you feel so down. You have self-love, but a little too much denial affects you, and that means you pretend certain negative things aren’t happening.

Mercury square Uranus is the wake-up call that denial alone cannot handle you. You have to do something, Aquarius. You’ll still be this cool, smart person, but if you don’t want to suffer anymore, you have to admit what’s going on. Feel it to heal it. Let denial be a river in Egypt, not your lifestyle.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.