Its disgusting Montrealers are disgusted with their city

“It’s disgusting!”; Montrealers are disgusted with their city

In the middle of tourist season, Montreal’s filthiness puts more than one off.

The condition of downtown leaves a lot to be desired due to the piles of garbage that can be seen on the sidewalks, overflowing garbage cans, clothes lying around and the foul smell that spreads through several sectors.

This situation has been criticized by several citizens interviewed by TVA Nouvelles.

Check out some of the reactions we’ve collected:

“It’s dirty all the time, especially at night; At restaurant waste there are rats everywhere”

“It’s really a shame to see rubbish on the side of the road. It’s dirty, it’s messy.

“It’s disgusting! I think it’s everyone’s responsibility to make the effort to throw things in the trash and not leave them on the street.”

“It wasn’t clean anymore after a jolt. It’s extremely dirty, especially downtown and subway Berri. It’s horrible.”

For the opposition to the city of Montreal, this issue has become an embarrassment for all Montrealers.

“What people see when they arrive in Montreal, particularly in the entertainment district and in our tourist attractions, is not a city that is pleasant, it is no longer a city that is so inclusive; It’s a dirty city,” said Stéphanie Valenzuela, opposition spokeswoman for the environment in the city of Montreal.

Mayor Valérie Plante’s office responded in writing to TVA Nouvelles, noting that the city is dedicating significant resources to offer visitors and citizens a unique and enjoyable experience.

Montreal ensures teams work hard every day to ensure cleanliness in the city center.

That year, the Ville-Marie Borough’s cleanliness budget was increased by $2 million for a total of $23 million.