Fortal 2023 Revelers injured in crash in Ivete Sangalos trio

Fortal 2023: Revelers injured in crash in Ivete Sangalo’s trio O POVO

Several people were injured in an accident involving the electric trio commanded by Ivete Sangalo on Saturday evening 22 at Fortal 2023 in Fortaleza. In reports and videos on social media, event attendees shared moments of desperation and violence and complained about the care they received.

At the time of the incident, the THE HUMAN was in the singer’s trio. The singer stopped the presentation as soon as she realized the situation and even asked for the trio’s lights to be turned off. Check out the current video:

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In the video, Ivete can be heard telling her to stop the trio to understand what happened.

According to reports, the incident occurred because the previous block had not yet completed its route and the track was not cleared. Ivete’s trio would have continued to advance even if the room had not been cleared, causing the crowd to close.

As the car moved on, some members of the public tried to run past the security barrier, causing confusion and injuring others.

Accident in Fortal 2023: Six people were slightly injured

In a statement, the Fortal organization said the incident happened “when the revelers crashed into the structure separating the blocks and security forces had to hang them to prevent further damage.”

Still, it was reported at the event that six people suffered minor injuries and “received quick assistance from security teams.”

“The trio was stopped for the time it took to get everything back to normal, and the trio’s journey continued normally and without inconvenience,” the organizer of the event concludes in a note.

However, in posts on Twitter, users reported that revelers were attacked when they sought help.

And to top it all off, the fort head attacked a boy who was also injured and complained. Absurd.

Gui (@souguicouto) July 23, 2023

Ivete’s advice was sought by the THE HUMAN to comment on what happened but didn’t comment. The singer’s advice just confirmed what is written in the official announcement of the organization of the event.

Accident in the Fortal 2023: Ivete’s followers complain on social networks

In Ivete Sangalo’s post on Instagram, with a video of the presentation at Fortal, many users reported what happened. “What happened today is utter inhumanity. zero support. “My body hurts, everything is scratched except for the injuries on my feet and nails,” says one of them.

“It was terrible what happened today! I am disappointed by such violence and omissions!” says another person.

Still, one follower complained about Ivete’s take on what happened: “We didn’t deserve people with attitudes like yours today… careless… and who went on with their ‘show’ even though nothing was actually going well…

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Fortal Fortal 2023 ivete sangalo trio ivete accident fortal