Doctors from 13 countries graduate in Holguin

Doctors from 13 countries graduate in Holguín

19 foreign students from 13 countries and four continents graduated as doctors from the Holguin University of Medical Sciences (UCMHo).

Graduados01After seven years of study, medical graduates return to their countries of origin. Photo: Lianne Fonseca

After seven years of study, the new doctors from Suriname, Equatorial Guinea, Buthan, Solomon Islands, Antigua and Barbuda, Camoras, Burundi, Rwanda, Fiji, Vietnam, Barbados, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and Lessoto join the more than 2,500 professionals from 65 nations who have been trained at the “Mariana Grajales Cuello” medical school.

At the award of their titles as health professionals, the graduates thanked their professors, the Cuban Revolution and, in particular, commemorated Commander-in-Chief Fidel Catro Ruz, patron of the Latin American Faculty of Medicine.

On behalf of his fellow students, the best graduate, Dr. Robert Ishimwe: “We arrived on this earth in 2016 after a long farewell full of ambivalence: on the one hand the desire to stay with the family, on the other hand the desire to leave school to study medicine.

“But since life is a choice, we have had to choose between the pain of being absent and the pain of continuing to see children, pregnant women and the elderly without proper medical care. We had to make a choice between staying with the family or saving the family.”

Graduados02Photo: Lianne Fonseca

Galina Galcerán Chacón, Rector of the UCMHo, also congratulated her on behalf of the entire faculty and urged her to practice her humane profession with love and dedication.