Thousands of people gathered in front of the Capitol this afternoon to march to the Esplanade the nose and be there “Farruko’s Youthful Believers”, An activity aimed at Puerto Rican youth to “strengthen values and beliefs,” according to the singer Farrukowho announced the event.
There were many participants marching while others set off in motor boats around 3:30 p.m. along with the Puerto Rican singer, who announced his split from secular music in 2022during a concert in the city of Miami.
Farruko, speaking to The new dayclaimed that the end of the activity would contain a message of hope because “Youth is not lost”.
“Not so much religiosity, it’s a question of youth, it’s about uniting people and sharing what is good and healthy. This is what our youth need so much.” assured the singer, who also mentioned that he is trying to break the mold of Christianity and unite Puerto Ricans through activities like this. “I thank the people who have gathered here and supported us in this.”
For her part, the event’s producer, Kiara Pita, said that the festival, which reportedly attracted more than 12,000 people, aims to attract attention “the arts, our culture and our faith”.
Hundreds of people left the Capitol towards El Morro where the activity took place. (Carlos Rivera Giusti)
“It is often said that youth is lost, that youth is made of glass and you can’t expect much and vice versa. With this event, we want to highlight that this is not the case.”stressed Pita.
He also noted that “there are young people who have faith, hope, talent and established principles and values.”
On the other hand, he mentioned that besides Farruko, singers like Gabriel EMC, Onell Díaz, Jaime Barceló & Rudel and Belén Losa. The festival ends around 11:00 p.m. with the presentation of the Barak group.
Opportunity for “evangelistic impact”
Jose David Cotoa resident of Toa Alta, commented The new day that you can carry out these types of activities “an evangelistic effect”.
“We have come to use this call that Farruko is attending to be able to deliver messages from God. This is historic, an initiative like this hasn’t happened in many years…it will impact the Puerto Rican people and the world at large,” Coto said.
Around 12,000 people had registered for the event. (Carlos Rivera Giusti)
Likewise, the 40-year-old mentioned that this type of activity encourages young people to have spaces that they are okay with “with their tastes and realities”.
In addition to youth and families, the activity also included officials from the San Juan Municipality Administration, as well as members of the Capital’s Office of Community Initiative and Faith Base.