Gf Vip 7 Daniele Dal Moro tells what happened after

Gf Vip 7, Daniele Dal Moro tells what happened after the dispute in Sardinia with Oriana Marzoli

Oriana Marzoli And Daniele Dal Moro they returned there to be a couple a few days ago, after weeks of arguing and mutual accusations. The two met and fell in love at their friend Vip’s house and since then have never lost touch between ups and downs because of the strong feeling that unites them.

This time it should be told how the last rapprochement of the two former Gieffini came after the dispute in Sardinia Dal Moro, during a live stream on Twitch:

We talked on the phone for about three hours and that was it. After we agreed to see each other, I said “Come here” and we met. And we need to know how to say it, not how to explain it. There are some things you cannot explain. Let’s say we chose to avoid it, let it go and do it that way, not going back to old talk and thoughts.

It still is:

I know who I want to surround myself with, I answer and repeat regarding my actions and things. I don’t need anything or anyone. For me there is no problem and I don’t even want to talk about past things again. It is the same.

Then Daniel came to the conclusion:

That’s enough, so I called her and told her to come over, I paid for her train ticket, sent it to her and asked her to meet. We decided not to talk about these things anymore, about the past, because she thinks like this, I think different and like that, nothing more than that.