Paladin attaches great importance to the TITANS expansion Judge

Paladin attaches great importance to the TITANS expansion! – Judge Hype

When the mechs in the paladin were revealed, along with the spells we could use to power up our cards or slow down our opponent’s spells, I had very little idea that Valeera was stolen (ironic, isn’t it?), her only identity in the expansion, and that we embarked on another cycle with a hybrid paladin in search of aggression and table development. Let’s find out what awaits the Paladin in TITANS, the next Hearthstone expansion.

In the past few days, the reveals have taken a completely different turn and a lot more synergistic cards have surfaced. So Uther will certainly have proactive decks, whether it’s his pure archetype or even mech-centric, especially early in the set.

Still, Uther could certainly add some variety in the upcoming expansion by getting support cards for his other archetypes!

1. A damn good shuffle for the Paladin

Two mechs and a spell that lowers their cost, a new synergy around “earthly creatures” or even a legend to revive our low-attack minions. There is something for everyone among the 10 cards Uther received in the Titans expansion.

I really like this direction for the Paladin, although with other classes I often find it difficult to shuffle a lot of synergies for just 10 cards. In this case though, I appreciate it considering Paladin has relied on the same mechanics when exploring different directions for far too long. Even more so when the legendary flagship, the new Titan Amitus looks like it could be played just about anywhere.

While I expect the pure archetype or mechs to be the flagship deck for the class, I don’t rule out archetypes like the Grand Paladin appearing from time to time.

2. A titan who can do it all

I really like Titans with flexible abilities in this expansion, and Paladin had one of the most interesting ones for me. In fact, the passive skill could be very limited knowing how much AoE there is and not based on damage at once (in Priest, Death Knight, Warlock…). Amitus, the Peacekeeper looks like a card we’ll want to play in all Paladin decks, whether it’s protecting our minions (Light Rays or Mecha) or as a control tool.

Additionally, through the card Tire’s Tears, Paladin regained the ability to bring his Titan back to life, which could tempt Uther to play slightly slower decks.

Paladin attaches great importance to the TITANS expansion Judge

3. The great paladin, finally playable

Big Paladin is the archetype we keep talking about that never works. However, the deck has restored some cards in this new expansion, enough to play the deck in pure synergy.

Why is that important? Because I think Countess can be the card that takes the deck from boring to controllable and defensive to a real problem to contain over the long run. Additionally, Tyr’s Tears seems like a fantastic card in the deck to restore to Amitus, Tirion, or even Leviathan to ensure a very solid endgame for Uther.

I don’t know if the deck can keep up with Anduin in the long term. But I still believe that this new deck is capable of defending itself against aggressive decks by adding the judgment of unworthiness, and will cause a lot of problems for decks that want to dominate the table.

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