War Ukraine Russia the latest news today July 24th LIVE

War Ukraine Russia, the latest news today, July 24th. LIVE

A child was killed and six people injured in a Russian shelling of the town of Kostyantynivka in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine.\n


Drone strikes were reported over the city of Moscow: one landed on Komsomolsky Prospect near the Russian Defense Ministry, while another hit a shopping center on Likhacheva Street, near one of Moscow’s main ring roads. “An attempt by the Kiev regime to use two drones to carry out a terrorist attack on targets in the Moscow city has been stopped,” the Russian Defense Ministry said. The attack was a “special operation” by Ukraine’s secret service, a source in the Kyiv Defense Ministry said.


A Russian attack instead targeted Ukrainian port infrastructure in the southern Odessa region, destroying a grain shed. Iranian drones hit grain storage infrastructure at river ports of Reni and Izmail on the Danube, on the border of Odessa Oblast and Romania: 4 people injured.




· Russia, the march of the rebels without firing a shot. What happened


· Dam explosion in Ukraine: the event and its consequences. Interactive Maps


· Tactical nuclear weapons: what they are, the differences from strategic weapons, the effects


· Why Moscow invaded Ukraine, from historical reasons to tensions with NATO


· Zelensky’s story from former comedian to war president. PHOTO


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“,”postId”:”01ad7250-851e-4506-81a9-92e85331ba86″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T21:58:00.817Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 23:58:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Questo liveblog finisce qui”,”content”:”

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“,”postId”:”81d14e01-112a-4160-adda-d08b7034080f”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T21:40:00.477Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 23:40:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Vertice Fao a Roma, Guterres e Meloni: “Mosca riconsideri decisione su accordo grano””,”content”:”

La presidente del Consiglio al vertice sui sistemi alimentari: \”La crisi dei prezzi è causata dalla guerra in Ucraina. La sicurezza alimentare sarà una priorità dell’agenda, nella nostra presidenza del G7\”. Il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite: \”Faccio un appello alla Federazione russa affinché torni all’attuazione dell’iniziativa del Mar nero in linea con la mia ultima proposta ed esorto la comunità globale a restare unita per trovare soluzioni efficaci in questo impegno e sforzo essenziale\”.

“,”postId”:”77e4002d-220f-4b80-a473-f4dcccd3bf78″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T21:15:00.615Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 23:15:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, a Di Maio onorificenza dell’Ordine del Principe Yaroslav il Saggio”,”content”:”

Luigi Di Maio, l’inviato dell’Unione Europea per il Golfo e ex ministro degli Esteri italiano, è stato insignito oggi dell’onorificenza dell’Ordine del Principe Yaroslav il Saggio. Questo riconoscimento è stato firmato e proposto dal presidente dell’Ucraina, Volodymyr Zelensky. La notizia è stata comunicata tramite una nota ufficiale che sottolinea l’importanza di tale riconoscimento prestigioso.

“,”postId”:”2fae4835-217d-4390-918d-f5a68ea0b481″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T21:05:20.219Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 23:05:20+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina: 4 carri Leopard spagnoli in viaggio verso Polonia”,”content”:”

Questa mattina è partito per l’Ucraina un nuovo carico di carri armati Leopard, ambulanze, automezzi, camion e munizioni di diverso tipo. Lo rendono noto il servizio stampa del ministero della Difesa spagnolo e l’agenzia ucraina Ukrinform. \”Gli altri quattro Leopard 2A4 promessi dal governo spagnolo hanno già lasciato Santander per la Polonia\”, si legge nel rapporto. Oggi è partita dal porto di Santander una nave con materiale militare e umanitario diretta in Ucraina. Si prevede che tutto il materiale sarà consegnato alle forze armate ucraine all’inizio di agosto.

“,”postId”:”572966ba-bfa5-46fc-ad42-82e2a6b5f519″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T20:59:46.963Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 22:59:46+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Bielorussia: il ministro dell’Interno di Minsk incontra i capi della Wagner”,”content”:”

Il ministro dell’Interno bielorusso Ivan Kubrakov ha incontrato i membri del gruppo Wagner. Lo riferisce il servizio stampa del ministero dell’Interno bielorusso. \”Ivan Kubrakov ha incontrato i membri del gruppo Wagner. L’incontro ha affrontato questioni relativeall’interazione con la compagnia militare privata e all’addestramento delle nostre truppe da parte dei suoi istruttori\”, afferma il rapporto. Le parti hanno elaborato un piano d’azione chiaro e si sono scambiate opinioni sull’uso di alcuni tipi di attrezzature. La difficile situazione vicino ai confini del Paese rende particolarmente importante essere preparati a rispondere a possibili sfide e minacce, ha affermato il ministro. L’esperienza pratica dei membri di Wagner, che le truppe bielorusse stanno già acquisendo, è estremamente importante, ha affermato Kubrakov.

“,”postId”:”aa42d354-4d25-46a3-b417-6ff594653c04″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T20:50:00.039Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 22:50:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra Ucraina, cosa sappiamo dei droni kamikaze Shahed-136 usati dalla Russia”,”content”:”

Le forze armate ucraine, nella notte tra il 10 e l’11 luglio,  hanno neutralizzato 26 su 28 droni utilizzati in un massiccio attacco  russo. Gli altri due hanno causato danni a diversi edifici residenziali.  Quest’arma di fabbricazione iraniana è nota come \”drone suicida” e  anche con il nome russo Geran-2. Pesano 200 kg e possono volare a 185  km/h LEGGI

“,”postId”:”ed7249ce-b3d3-4a9f-98e6-94bad00cd7aa”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T20:30:00.973Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 22:30:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, com’è cambiato il fronte dopo la controffensiva di Kiev?”,”content”:”

Prima del 24 febbraio 2022 (quando è iniziata la guerra) la  Russia aveva sotto il proprio controllo 40mila chilometri quadrati,  Crimea inclusa. La prima controffensiva ucraina aveva però risposto  all’avanzata russa: fra settembre e ottobre Mosca ha perso almeno 12mila  chilometri quadrati, sia a nord-est che nella parte meridionale. Ecco  la situazione attuale nelle mappe elaborate dal think tank Usa Institite  for the study of war (Isw) MAPPE A CONFRONTO

“,”postId”:”2accf70c-212e-4c30-8950-d57018ebc940″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T20:10:00.743Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 22:10:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, giornalista russo di Ria Novosti ucciso in un bombardamento”,”content”:”

Lo riferisce la stessa agenzia di stampa. Secondo la Difesa inoltre  quattro giornalisti russi sono rimasti feriti in un attacco ucraino  nella regione di Zaporizhzhia. La portavoce del ministro degli esteri  russo: \”Un crimine premeditato, ma le strutture internazionali  chiuderanno un occhio come in passato\” LEGGI

“,”postId”:”8d983706-f770-4022-a4dc-73028504c85d”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T19:50:00.950Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 21:50:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, Petro Poroshenko a Sky TG24: “Il Paese pronto per la Nato””,”content”:”

L’ex presidente ha parlato dell’ingresso di Kiev nelle Nazioni  Unite, dell’attacco al Ponte di Crimea e della situazione del mancato  rinnovo dell’accordo sul grano da parte di Mosca. \”Putin cerca di  trasformare in arma tutto ciò che ha a disposizione\”, ha detto LEGGI

“,”postId”:”c33c4fbd-2bc7-48bc-91d6-99310a4b27e6″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T19:48:33.210Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 21:48:33+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Usa, la Russia smetta di colpire le forniture alimentari”,”content”:”

\”Ciò che la Russia sta facendo a Odessa è devastante. Esortiamo Mosca a smettere di attaccare le forniture alimentari e a rientrare immediatamente nell’accordo sui cereali\”. Lo ha detto la portavoce della Casa Bianca, Karine Jean-Pierre, in un briefing con la stampa. 

“,”postId”:”f2861799-5d5e-4b15-9bd9-21857f626b28″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T19:40:50.399Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 21:40:50+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zelensky,’inaccettabile proroga divieto Ue import grano ucraino'”,”content”:”

Una possibile proroga del divieto di importazione della UE sul grano ucraino, come richiesto da cinque paesi confinanti con l’Ucraina per proteggere i propri agricoltori, è \”inaccettabile\” per il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky. \”Qualsiasi proroga delle restrizioni è assolutamente inaccettabile e francamente antieuropea. L’Europa ha la capacità istituzionale di agire in modo più razionale piuttosto che chiudere il confine a una particolare merce\”, ha affermato Zelensky nel suo post quotidiano sui social media. E ha auspicato che \”la parte europea adempia ai propri obblighi\” quando le restrizioni in vigore scadranno il 15 settembre. Polonia, Bulgaria, Ungheria, Slovacchia e Romania in una dichiarazione congiunta firmata mercoledì hanno chiesto a Bruxelles di prorogare l’embargo sulle importazioni di cereali ucraini nel loro territorio fino alla fine dell’anno. A giugno, la Commissione europea aveva annunciato che queste restrizioni potrebbero essere prorogate fino al 15 settembre, nonostante l’opposizione di Kiev e la resistenza di parte dei Ventisette.  Di fronte all’afflusso di prodotti agricoli ucraini a seguito della revoca dei dazi doganali da parte dell’Unione europea nel maggio 2022, i paesi vicini all’Ucraina  a metà aprile avevano vietato unilateralmente le importazioni  per arginare la saturazione dei loro silos e il crollo dei prezzi locali. La dichiarazione di Zelensky arriva dopo che la Russia ha abbandonato l’importante accordo che consentiva l’esportazione di grano ucraino dai porti sul Mar Nero.

“,”postId”:”121a0525-b919-492b-b0c4-8163b0567319″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T19:30:00.991Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 21:30:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Russia, chiesti 20 anni di carcere per Alexei Navalny”,”content”:”

Durante l’udienza, Navalny ha definito nel suo intervento la guerra in Ucraina come \”la più stupida e insensata del XXI secolo\” LEGGI

“,”postId”:”cc7efb2b-a313-4f25-a5b0-cb8d250e5912″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T19:11:02.755Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 21:11:02+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zelensky, quest’anno i negoziati per adesione a Ue”,”content”:”

\”Ho tenuto un incontro sull’Unione europea e sulla nostra integrazione. Quest’anno inizieremo i negoziati sull’adesione. L’Ucraina è completamente preparata per questo, stiamo facendo ciò che è necessario da parte nostra. E stiamo facendo tutto il possibile per garantire che anche la Ue sia pienamente preparata. Esattamente quest’anno\”. Lo scrive sui social il Presidente ucraino, Volodymyr Zelensky.

“,”social”:{“socialType”:”twitter”,”src”:”https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1683553025263017984?s=20″,”content”:”https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1683553025263017984?s=20″,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”240dc951-1114-413f-9f3b-4c12ba759aa2″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T19:10:00.826Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 21:10:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra Ucraina, colpita la Cattedrale della Trasfigurazione a Odessa”,”content”:”

Il luogo di culto è stato parzialmente distrutto. I soccorritori  hanno estratto dalle macerie un’icona, l’icona Kasperovskaya della Madre  di Dio. Colpiti nel raid anche edifici residenziali e infrastrutture portuali. LE FOTO

“,”postId”:”55318f5e-ed64-436b-b828-5b7fabe03981″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T18:57:20.885Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 20:57:20+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Russia, Putin ha firmato la legge che vieta il cambio di sesso”,”content”:”

Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha apposto la sua firma oggi sulla proposta di legge che impone un divieto al cambio di sesso o all’alterazione del genere, salvo alcune eccezioni per il trattamento di anomalie riscontrate alla nascita nei bambini. La notizia è stata riportata dall’agenzia Interfax. La proposta di legge era stata approvata in terza e ultima lettura dai deputati della Duma russa il 14 luglio scorso. Secondo questa legge, sarà vietato apportare modifiche ai documenti personali in base a certificati medici riguardanti il cambio di genere. Chi ha cambiato sesso non potrà inoltre adottare bambini e se uno dei due coniugi ha cambiato genere il matrimonio sarà annullato.

“,”postId”:”85c75f9e-9083-4b0e-b50e-620ea2c60546″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T18:50:00.599Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 20:50:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Lukashenko: “I Wagner vogliono marciare verso Varsavia””,”content”:”

Il presidente bielorusso si è incontrato a San Pietroburgo con  Putin e lo ha rassicurato: \”Li terrò nel nostro territorio come  concordato\” LEGGI

“,”postId”:”1f88d4f9-d856-4e69-8c1b-904128e833a8″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T18:45:15.676Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 20:45:15+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev, un bambino ucciso e 6 feriti in raid russo nell’Est”,”content”:”

Un bambino è rimasto ucciso e sei persone ferite in un bombardamento russo sulla città di Kostiantynivka, nell’est dell’Ucraina. Lo ha riferito su Telegram il governatore della regione di Donetsk, Pavlo Kyrylenko, secondo cui le forze russe hanno lanciato razzi Smertch su \”uno stagno locale, dove le persone stavano riposando\”. Tra i feriti altri tre bambini.

“,”postId”:”32d6365e-6c8d-4c37-8209-4eb3aff96975″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T18:38:09.393Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 20:38:09+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev, un bambino ucciso e 6 feriti in raid russo nell’Est”,”content”:”

Un bambino è rimasto ucciso e sei persone ferite in un bombardamento russo sulla città di Kostiantynivka, nell’est dell’Ucraina. Lo ha riferito su Telegram il governatore della regione di Donetsk, Pavlo Kyrylenko, secondo cui le forze russe hanno lanciato razzi Smertch su \”uno stagno locale, dove le persone stavano riposando\”. Tra i feriti altri tre bambini. 

“,”postId”:”43c960b1-e528-4a97-91f7-fb04c6ac6ef1″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T18:30:00.041Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 20:30:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Russia, Cia: \”Putin proverà ad assassinare Prigozhin per vendetta\””,”content”:”

Vladimir Putin starebbe solo cercando di capire come vendicarsi contro Yevgeny Prigozhin. A sostenerlo è il direttore della Cia, William Burns, secondo cui il presidente russo al momento starebbe riflettendo su come comportarsi nei confronti del leader mercenario della Wagner che lo scorso 24 giugno ha tentato il colpo di Stato in Russia. “Putin è una persona che generalmente pensa che la vendetta sia un piatto da servire freddo”, ha detto Burns.

“,”postId”:”0af39362-1f57-4f68-93e4-54a99c074365″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-24T18:10:00.145Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-24 20:10:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Paura spionaggio, la Russia vieta l’uso di iPhone ai funzionari statali”,”content”:”

La Russia teme lo spionaggio e impone il divieto di utilizzo di prodotti Apple per attività lavorative perché “gli Usa possono intercettare chiamate”. È la risposta del Cremlino al crescente timore di spionaggio. Questo divieto riguarda migliaia di funzionari e dipendenti statali e rappresenta un’ulteriore mossa per contrastare la presenza della società di Cupertino sul territorio russo. Secondo quanto riportato dal Financial Times, gli esperti di intelligence russi sostengono che gli americani potrebbero utilizzare le attrezzature Apple per intercettare le comunicazioni telefoniche. Secondi il sevizio di sicurezza russo, diverse migliaia di iPhone con schede SIM russe e registrate presso le missioni diplomatiche di Mosca nei Paesi della NATO, nonché in Israele, Siria e Cina, sarebbero stati infettati da un software di monitoraggio che indicava la complicità di Apple con l’Agenzia per la sicurezza nazionale degli Stati Uniti. Ma da Cupertino la notizia è stata smentita.

“,”postId”:”36597995-bdc7-48d7-818d-e670d8260f12″}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “02852462-8b64-42b8-ab98-2d8d2344b9a5”, “tenant”: “tg24”, “page”:1}’>

A child was killed and six people injured in a Russian shelling of the town of Kostyantynivka in Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.

Drone strikes were reported over the city of Moscow: one landed on Komsomolsky Prospect near the Russian Defense Ministry, while another hit a shopping center on Likhacheva Street, near one of Moscow’s main ring roads. “An attempt by the Kiev regime to use two drones to carry out a terrorist attack on targets in the Moscow city has been stopped,” the Russian Defense Ministry said. The attack was a “special operation” by Ukraine’s secret service, a source in the Kyiv Defense Ministry said.

A Russian attack instead targeted Ukrainian port infrastructure in the southern Odessa region, destroying a grain shed. Iranian drones hit grain storage infrastructure at river ports of Reni and Izmail on the Danube, on the border of Odessa Oblast and Romania: 4 people injured.


· Russia, the march of the rebels without firing a shot. What happened

· Dam explosion in Ukraine: the event and its consequences. Interactive Maps

· Tactical nuclear weapons: what they are, the differences from strategic weapons, the effects

· Why Moscow invaded Ukraine, from historical reasons to tensions with NATO

· Zelensky’s story from former comedian to war president. PHOTO

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2 minutes ago

This live blog ends here

20 minutes ago

FAO Summit in Rome, Guterres and Meloni: “Moscow Reconsiders Decision on Wheat Agreement”

Prime Minister at Food Systems Summit: “The price crisis is caused by the war in Ukraine. Food security will be a priority on the agenda during our G7 presidency.” The Secretary-General of the United Nations: “I call on the Russian Federation to return to implement the Black Sea Initiative, in line with my recent proposal, and I call on the global community to remain united to find effective solutions to this essential engagement and effort.”

45 minutes ago

In Ukraine, Di Maio was awarded the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise

Luigi Di Maio, the European Union’s envoy to the Gulf and former Italian foreign minister, was today awarded the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise. This recognition was signed and proposed by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The news was announced in an official statement underlining the importance of this prestigious award.

55 minutes ago

Ukraine: 4 Spanish Leopard tanks travel to Poland

This morning a new batch of Leopard tanks, ambulances, vehicles, trucks and various types of ammunition left for Ukraine. This was announced by the press service of the Spanish Ministry of Defense and the Ukrainian agency Ukrinform. “The other four Leopard 2A4s promised by the Spanish government have already left Santander for Poland,” the report said. Today a ship carrying military and humanitarian equipment left the port of Santander for Ukraine. All materials are expected to be handed over to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in early August.

10:59 p.m

Belarus: Minsk interior minister meets Wagner bosses

Belarusian Interior Minister Ivan Kubrakov met with members of the Wagner group. This was announced by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus. “Ivan Kubrakov met with members of the Wagner group. At the meeting, issues related to interaction with the private military company and the training of our troops by its instructors were raised,” the report said. The parties drew up a clear plan of action and exchanged views on the use of certain types of equipment. Due to the difficult situation at the country’s borders, it is particularly important to be prepared for possible challenges and threats, the minister said. The practical experience of the Wagner members, which the Belarusian troops are already gaining, is extremely important, said Kubrakov.

10:50 p.m

War Ukraine, what do we know about the Shahed-136 kamikaze drones deployed by Russia?

On the night of July 10-11, Ukrainian forces neutralized 26 of 28 drones used in a massive Russian attack. The other two caused damage to several residential buildings. This Iranian-made weapon is known as the “suicide drone” and also by the Russian name Geran-2. It weighs 200 kg and can fly at 185 km/h. READ MORE

10:30 p.m

Ukraine, how did the frontline change after the counteroffensive in Kiev?

Before February 24, 2022 (when the war started), Russia controlled 40,000 square kilometers, including Crimea. However, the first Ukrainian counteroffensive had reacted to the Russian advance: Between September and October, Moscow lost at least 12,000 square kilometers in both the northeast and the south. Here is the current situation in the maps made by the US think tank Institute for the Study of War (ISW) comparing maps

10:10 p.m

A Russian journalist from RIA Novosti was killed in a bomb attack in Ukraine

The same news agency reports about it. In addition, according to the defense, four Russian journalists were injured in a Ukrainian attack in the Zaporizhia region. Spokeswoman for Russian Foreign Minister: “A premeditated crime, but the international structures will turn a blind eye as in the past” READ MORE

9.50 p.m

Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko on Sky TG24: “The country is ready for NATO”

The former president spoke about Kiev’s accession to the United Nations, the attack on the Crimean bridge and the situation of Moscow’s non-renewal of the wheat agreement. “Putin is trying to use everything he has as a weapon,” READ said


The US and Russia stop interfering with food supplies

“What Russia is doing in Odessa is devastating. We urge Moscow to halt attacks on food shipments and immediately rejoin the grain deal,” White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said at a news conference.

9.40 p.m

Zelenskyy: “Unacceptable extension of EU import ban on Ukrainian wheat”

A possible extension of the EU import ban on Ukrainian wheat, as requested by five countries bordering Ukraine to protect their farmers, is “unacceptable” for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. “Any extension of restrictions is absolutely unacceptable and frankly anti-European. Europe has the institutional capacity to act more rationally rather than closing borders on a specific commodity,” Zelenskyy said in his daily social media post. And he hopes that “the European side will meet its obligations” when the current restrictions expire on September 15. Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania called on Brussels to extend the embargo on Ukrainian grain imports into their territories until the end of the year in a joint statement signed on Wednesday. In June, the European Commission announced that these restrictions could be extended until September 15, despite opposition from Kiev and part of the Twenty-Seven. Faced with the influx of Ukrainian agricultural products following the European Union’s lifting of tariffs in May 2022, Ukraine’s neighbors unilaterally banned imports in mid-April to curb the saturation of their silos and the collapse in local prices. Zelenskyi’s statement came after Russia withdrew from the important deal that allowed Ukrainian grain to be exported from Black Sea ports.

9.30 p.m

Russia has demanded 20 years in prison for Alexei Navalny

During the hearing, Navalny called the war in Ukraine “the most stupid and pointless of the 21st century”. READ MORE


Zelensky, EU accession negotiations this year

“I held a meeting about the European Union and our integration. We will start accession negotiations this year. Ukraine is well prepared for this, and we are doing what is necessary on our part. And we are doing everything to ensure that the EU is also well prepared. Exactly this year.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy wrote on social media.


Ukrainian War, Transfiguration Cathedral struck in Odessa

The church was partially destroyed. Rescuers recovered an icon from the rubble, the Kasperov Icon of the Mother of God. Residential buildings and port infrastructure were also affected by the raid. THE PHOTOS


Russia and Putin sign law banning sex reassignment surgery

Russian President Vladimir Putin today signed a bill into law that would ban sex reassignment surgery, or sex reassignment surgery, with some exceptions for the treatment of abnormalities found in children at birth. The news was reported by the Interfax agency. The bill passed the third and final reading on July 14 by deputies of the Russian Duma. According to this law, it is forbidden to make changes to personal documents on the basis of medical certificates of gender reassignment. In addition, those who have changed their gender cannot adopt children, and if either spouse has changed their gender, the marriage will be annulled.

8.50 p.m

Lukashenko: “The Wagners want to march towards Warsaw”

The Belarusian President met with Putin in St. Petersburg and assured him: “I will keep them on our territory as agreed.” READ MORE

8:45 p.m

Kiev: A child was killed and six wounded in a Russian attack in the east

A child was killed and six people injured in a Russian bomb attack on the town of Kostyantynivka in eastern Ukraine. Donetsk Region Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko reported on Telegram that Russian forces fired Smerch rockets at “a local pond where people were resting.” Three other children are among the injured.

8:38 p.m

Kiev: A child was killed and six wounded in a Russian attack in the east

A child was killed and six people injured in a Russian bomb attack on the town of Kostyantynivka in eastern Ukraine. Donetsk Region Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko reported on Telegram that Russian forces fired Smerch rockets at “a local pond where people were resting.” Three other children are among the injured.

8.30 p.m

Russia, CIA: “Putin will try to assassinate Prigozhin in revenge”

Vladimir Putin is trying to figure out how to take revenge on Yevgeny Prigozhin. This was backed by CIA director William Burns, who said the Russian president is currently considering how to deal with mercenary leader Wagner, who attempted a coup in Russia on June 24. “Putin is someone who generally thinks revenge is a dish best served cold,” Burns said.

8:10 p.m

Russia bans state officials from using iPhones for fear of spying

Russia fears espionage and imposes a ban on using Apple products for work activities because “the US can intercept calls”. It is the Kremlin’s response to growing fears of espionage. This ban affects thousands of state officials and employees and represents another step to counter the presence of the Cupertino-based company on Russian territory. According to reports in the Financial Times, Russian intelligence experts assume that the Americans could use Apple devices to intercept telephone calls. According to the Russian Security Service, several thousand iPhones with Russian SIM cards registered at diplomatic missions in Moscow in NATO countries, as well as in Israel, Syria and China were infected with tracking software that indicated Apple’s complicity with the US National Security Agency. But from Cupertino the message was denied.