Google owes 3387 million in Chromecast patent case US jury

Google owes $338.7 million in Chromecast patent case, US jury finds

July 24 (Portal) – Alphabet’s Google (GOOGL.O) has infringed a software developer’s patent rights with its remote streaming technology and must pay $338.7 million in damages, a federal jury in Waco, Texas ruled on Friday.

The jury concluded that Google’s Chromecast and other devices infringe Touchstream Technologies’ patents related to streaming video from one screen to another.

Google spokesman Jose Castaneda said Monday that the company will appeal the ruling and “always develops technology independently and competes based on our ideas.”

Touchstream attorney Ryan Dykal said Monday that Touchstream was satisfied with the ruling.

New York-based Touchstream, which also goes by the name Shodogg, said in its 2021 lawsuit that founder David Strober invented technology in 2010 to “move” video from a small device like a smartphone to a larger device like a television.

According to the complaint, Google met with Touchstream in December 2011 about its technology, but two months later said it wasn’t interested. Google introduced its Chromecast media streaming devices in 2013.

Touchstream said Google’s Chromecast copied its innovations and infringed three of its patents. The company also said its patents had been infringed by Google’s Home and Nest smart speakers, as well as third-party TVs and speakers with Chromecast capabilities.

Google denied infringing Touchstream’s rights, arguing that the patents were invalid.

Touchstream filed similar complaints against Texas cable providers Comcast, Charter and Altice earlier this year. These cases are still pending.

Reporting by Blake Brittain in Washington; Edited by David Bario, Grant McCool and Aurora Ellis

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Blake Brittain reports on intellectual property law, including patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets, for Portal Legal. He has previously written for Bloomberg Law and Practical Law and practiced law. Contact: 12029385713