1689727961 A Worrying Start of Summer on the Roads Many Accidents

Hit and run in Sainte-Hélène-de-Bagot: Ontario trucker regains his freedom –

An Ontario trucker who allegedly fled Montérégie after hitting a small family’s minivan, throwing both parents out in front of their children, could regain his freedom at a trial.

Also read: A young mother jumped out of her vehicle in front of her children, who were still in a coma
Also read: Parents jumped out of their vehicle in front of their three children

“He’s been charged with hit-and-run so we’re definitely worried he finds a way back to his country.” He would be hard to find. “We are really disappointed,” confided the sister of one of the victims, full of emotion.

Harjot Singh, who has a student visa in Canada, faces five hit-and-run and hit-and-run charges after a collision in Sainte-Hélène-de-Bagot.

However, the 21-year-old must comply with “strict requirements” during the court proceedings, Judge Jean-Philippe Marcoux said this morning in the Saint-Hyacinthe courthouse.

Among other things, Singh presented his passport and driver’s license, which prohibits him from getting behind the wheel of any vehicle. He is also required to make monthly phone calls to a Sûreté du Québec investigator.

He’s on the way

On July 5, Harjot Singh failed to stop at an intersection before colliding with the minivan carrying a young couple and their three children.

Instead of stopping, he preferred to continue on his way. According to a reconstructor, he would not have braked either before or after the impact.

The unbelted parents were thrown from their car by the force of the impact in front of their children.

“While he is finding his freedom, my sister is still in the hospital in a coma,” said the mother’s relative.

PHOTO Eric Beaupré / Vingt55

The 27-year-old mother is still in the hospital in a coma and may never wake up. Photo provided by family

Doctors don’t know if the 27-year-old will ever wake up from her coma.

The 29-year-old father suffered a traumatic brain injury, a ruptured spleen and broken ribs. The three children also suffered injuries, but these were not life-threatening. Due to a court order, the victims could not be identified.

In the video call

Just a few minutes later, the police were able to quickly locate the fleeing driver about twelve kilometers further on Highway 20, near Saint-Eugène-de-Grantham.

At the time of his arrest, Singh was video chatting with someone.

Crown Prosecutor Me Émilie Gadbois refused his release, in particular because of the risk of absconding. Singh’s mother and sister still live in his native India. And before his arrest, he wanted to return there for celebrations this winter.

The defendant’s aunt and cousin, with whom he lives in Brampton, posted bail totaling $5,000. The Ontario native, represented by Me Antoine Dubreuil, will have to pay the same amount back to the court if he fails to meet his terms of release.

The business administration student got his truck driver’s license in March last year and has only been working for a transport company since May.

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