1690409189 Rauw Alejandro confirma su ruptura con Rosalia hace unos meses

Rauw Alejandro says goodbye to Rosalía with a love song in which he denies having been unfaithful: “The whole world knows that I will cry for you.”

Rauw Alejandro confirma su ruptura con Rosalia hace unos meses

In this summer of breakups of 2023, that of Rosalía and Rauw Alejandro, both 30 years old, was one of the saddest and most commented on. The couple, made up of the Puerto Rican singer and the Catalan artist, broke off their relationship at the end of July, just a few weeks ago, having announced their wedding plans a few months earlier and full of anticipation for the future marriage. Back then, rumors abounded about the reasons for their departure, but they tried to stop them with separate communications a day apart, in which they didn’t explain much either, but in which both indicated that they preferred to remain silent. So far, the Puerto Rican has surprisingly released a song entirely dedicated to Rosalía, in which he hints that he didn’t want to end the relationship, that he misses her.

Hayumi Hana – which means rare and beautiful flower in Japanese – is the title of this new song, which the singer sings with Raúl, his first name, and not Rauw, his stage name. In it he explains his reasons for separating from Rosalía, whom he does not call by her first name, but whose identity is evident not only because of the short time that has passed since the separation and which shows that feelings are on the skin of Blume, but because he calls her Motomami, he talks about his album in Los Angeles, his Grammy awards, getting his name tattooed or their house together. The artist reiterates that he is moved by the desire to write her, but that “there is no grudge here, it is not a claim” that he still has feelings for her (“Today I stop writing not to love” ) and he, too, would like to warn of something to silence rumours: “I will do many things, but never unfaithful.”

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The song explains that this is a kind of suicide note to her (“I do this when you want to remember your madman who really loved you”) because, as he says, he suffers with her, and there are certain ones Things what do you want to say Rauw Alejandro reveals that he didn’t want to break up: “We had a fight, it’s hard for me to express myself, you already know all my flaws / I have to put up with your stuff too, but the option Removing me was never an option.” My sanity.” Also that the distance has made their relationship and careers more complicated: “The life we ​​lead is not for everyone, the press, the networks, the peer pressure.” Being away is harder, together easier. We work non-stop, but to what extent? Being in our camp is worth more than all the money and fame.”

Rauw makes it clear that he misses the singer, from her hugs to sleeping with her, that he dedicated all his songs to her and spent his best moments with her. “You are pure joy, you are medicine,” he sings to him, hinting that he is leaving the door open to reconciliation (“If life brings me together with you on another occasion, I will not dispute the reason with fate”) and that he would like to start the relationship again but doesn’t know how (“How can I spend my whole life watching the dawn with you? Mom, I have no answer for that”). As for the reason for the separation and an alleged infidelity, he justifies himself by saying that Rosalía “always had the key” to her cell phone, her cell phone, and that “it was something else” that was not in her hands.

The Puerto Rican praises not only personally, but also Rosalía’s talent and artistic quality: “I know that you will be the best artist, I really don’t think there is anyone else like you.” […] When the sea calms from any anguish just by hearing your voice, thousands of people think the same thing.” He also sees her as a role model, someone whose art will be studied “over time,” and a winner of “every Grammy.” . “And even if they copy you, they will fail in the attempt, because only God chooses a few with that talent.”

The unexpected split of the couple, who announced their engagement in March, was announced on July 25 through a message first published in People magazine, but has not been confirmed by the protagonists. It took a day that saw countless publications on social networks accusing the reggaeton player of infidelity before he came forward, confirming their separation and assuring that he had not been unfaithful, which he insists on the subject . “There are thousands of issues that can lead to a breakup, but in our case it wasn’t a third party or infidelity. In this time as I take all of this in, wrongful public allegations have surfaced, and out of respect for her, our families, and all we are witnessing, I could not stand idly by as they attempt to destroy story further. True love that God has allowed me to live,” he affirmed. Hours later, she also released a statement: “I love, respect and admire Raúl very much. I don’t pay attention to the films, we know what we have experienced.”

Hayami Hana full lyrics by Rauw Alejandro

Just in case we never talk again
And my favorite eyes don’t look at me anymore
I’ll do that if you want to remember
From your crazy person who really loved you
And I won’t play strong
I don’t go forward
Here everyone knows that I will cry, I will miss you
Yes, there is nothing to hide here
But there are a few things I want to get rid of

Everyone knows, everyone knows
Everyone knows, everyone knows
You know, they know shit
Everyone knows, everyone knows
Everyone knows, everyone knows
They say they know, they know shit

We argued, it’s hard for me to express myself
You already know all my shortcomings
I have to put up with your stuff too
But the possibility of removing myself never crossed my mind.
And what a pity, couples don’t last anymore, they only last a little
There are only a few old people left who tell us their little tricks
How can I see all life with you at dawn?
And, Mom, I don’t have an answer for that
But I wanted your qualities and flaws in equal measure
Everything gets harder over time
But not everyone is prepared for it
And I don’t blame you, the life we ​​lead isn’t for everyone
The press, networks, peer pressure
Being away is harder, together it’s easier
We work non-stop, but to what extent?
Be in our little field
It’s worth more than all the money and fame
Wake up and I’ll see you by my side
You don’t want to get up

Hey, all my songs since Afrodisíaco are for you
Everyone knows that, it’s irrelevant
I just can’t stop missing her when she’s sleeping in my arms
I don’t know how to stop thinking about that last hug
And if I had known it would be the last, I would not have let her go
Maybe you were by my side now
Watch movies in the covered bed
But this summer I had to be like the sun, I used to do that

I will be many things but never unfaithful
She always had the key to my cell
That was something else that was not in my power
My glass girl, my paper boat
You disarmed yourself and I tried to fix you
And even though you left me far away, I stayed
I’m not here now, but I want you to know
You are stronger than you think
And I hope that one day we can laugh about the past
There is no grudge here, this is not a claim
If you gave me the best days
That’s why I tattooed your name on my stomach, mom
I gave you everything and I would do it again
I’ll finish our little house if you feel like coming back
Today I stop writing to you because I don’t want to
How do you forget your kisses after your nap?

Everyone knows, everyone knows
Everyone knows, everyone knows
You know, they know shit
Everyone knows, everyone knows
Everyone knows, everyone knows
They say they know, they know shit

Finally: I know that you will be the best artist
I just don’t think there’s really anyone like you
You are the most beautiful cover of all magazines
I would know even if I had no sight
Even if only by hearing your voice
The sea calms down from every torment
Thousands of people think the same way
Because of this feeling, I won’t say it
And I knew it from Los Angeles, she’s my Motomami
What’s next? I don’t know
But I know all the Grammys will be for you, hey
You will study your art over time
When they plan, I know they always look to you
And even if they copy you, they will fail in the attempt
Because only God chooses some with this talent
You are real, you are amazing, you are pure joy, aren’t you?
you are medicine
you heal my heart
All those nights at home dancing to our song
And if life brings me together with you on another occasion
For this reason, I do not argue with fate

Once again I’m left here without you
Hell baby I’m gonna miss you
I didn’t expect this to end
Once again I’m left here without you
I won’t stop you this time
I say goodbye to you, I wish you a great time
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh how it hurts
I say goodbye to you, I wish you a great time
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh how it hurts
Hayami Hana!
Hayami Hana!
Hayami Hana!
Hayami Hana!