Very deserved Gladys Tejeda received the keys to her new

Very deserved! Gladys Tejeda received the keys to her new apartment: "I will bring more medals"

Very deserved Gladys Tejeda received the keys to her new

After a long wait of 4 years, the successful athlete Gladys Tejedanative of the city Wowregion Juninreceived the keys to one of the apartments in tower 5 of the Pan American Sports Village that they had promised him that they had been a medalist in the Pan American Games 2019that have been carried out Lima, Peru.

As well as tejedaThanks to the creditor, another 64 athletes also received the long-awaited keys to their new homes Law #30949which offers medal winners and parasportsmen an apartment in the area mentioned above.

Alvaro CastroManaging Director of legacy —Project of Pan American Games– was the one who delivered the real estate. “We continue to work to deliver the apartments to those who could not come (…) From today they can live in their homes,” added Castro.

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“It’s a big motivation for me. I will continue to represent my country and bring more medals,” he commented Gladys Tejeda with obvious emotion. As already mentioned, the successful athlete has qualified for the Olympic Games Paris 2024 and the whole Peru He expects his good performance and winning the gold medal.