Sergio Rico is sacked I want to recover and play

Sergio Rico is sacked: ‘I want to recover and play football again’

Paris Saint-Germain’s Sevillian goalkeeper Sergio Rico was discharged from hospital this Friday after being admitted to the Virgen del Rocío Hospital in Seville following an accident involving a horse on the El Rocío pilgrimage route (Huelva) on May 28 was. Sergio Rico suffered serious injuries as a result of the accident, which meant he spent five weeks in the hospital’s intensive care unit. He then went to the plant with medical and nursing care. “I’m gone, thank God,” were the goalkeeper’s first words after his release and to the media that awaited him as he left the hospital. “They say the brain is intelligent and erases such events. It was a dream. I woke up in the hospital and thank God I’m out,” repeated the goalkeeper. “I hope to be available soon, recover and return to football,” admitted the PSG goalkeeper.

Accompanied by his wife Alba Silva and greeted with applause from those in the hospital, the goalkeeper sent a message of thanks. “I am very excited, very happy and grateful. Thank you to my wife, my family, everyone who was here and those who took a minute of their time to send me a message. My wife spent 20 hours a day with me. I am very grateful and it would not have been possible without your support,” he added, always accompanied by his partner. Visibly thinner, Sergio Rico left the hospital on his own and will now continue his recovery at home. The aneurysm is not fully controlled and the footballer needs a few more months of rest and treatment. “I am also grateful for the support of my club Paris, as well as all my teammates and the gestures shown by Sevilla and their fans. “I’m a Sevilla fan and I follow the team. I hope that one day I can play for Sevilla again,” he said.

The Sevillian goalkeeper was in hospital for 83 days, including 37 days under 24-hour surveillance in intensive care, until he was transferred to the ward for medical attention and care on July 4. According to witnesses to the incident in El Rocío, the horse he was riding became nervous when a horse-drawn carriage passed, the goalkeeper fell to the ground and was kicked by the animal, which also kicked him several times in the head.

The 29-year-old goalkeeper was trained at Seville’s youth academy, where he played in the first team from the 2014-15 to 2018-19 season, and was called up by the French team for the penultimate game of the French league on May 27. who played in Strasbourg where PSG drew 1-1 and became champion of the tournament. After that game, he moved to the village of El Rocío where he had the accident, which is why he was evacuated to Seville Hospital on Sunday May 28 and where he has remained ever since.

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