Disgusted by what she sees she quits her hotel job

Disgusted by what she sees, she quits her hotel job after 27 minutes

A woman posted a video, which has since gone viral on TikTok, in which she recounts an incident that led to her quitting her job at a hotel after less than half an hour.

• Also read: Do not use these items from your hotel room!

“When I was a hotel manager for five years, I could never have imagined seeing something like this,” she says.

The video was viewed over 1.1 million times as of Friday.

Essentially, three things happened that resulted in the worker leaving her job less than 27 minutes after starting work.

The problems started when she entered the first room that she and her team were supposed to clean.

She says she then observed the work of one of her colleagues who is in charge of bathroom maintenance.

Instead of giving the room a thorough cleaning, she reportedly stuck a piece of duct tape over her hand to pick up the dirt, then sprayed some cleaner on the rest of the bathroom.

“The bathroom is clean!” the person shouted, outraging the newcomer.

She was about to change the sheets when a co-worker told her that was not the case.

Confused, the TikToker says she saw her colleague pick up her vacuum cleaner and run it over the sheets.

“She picked up the vacuum from the floor and ran it over the sheets,” she says in disgust.

However, the fateful moment that caused the worker to resign happened while cleaning the coffee maker.

“She took the cups…she took a little squirt of soap, put it in the cups, poured one cup into the other cup and rinsed it out with hot water,” says the TikToker.

His colleague then explained that the room was clean.

“I said, ‘Oh, okay!’ I took my jacket… I put my jacket on, walked past them, clocked in and walked out. 27 minutes.”

Many netizens have shared their own experiences, reports the Daily Dot.

“1 hr I worked at Tj max for 1 hour. A kid peed on the floor, they dry cleaned it.”

“My first job at 18 took 15 minutes. I worked at a fast food restaurant, a lady got angry and threw lemonade at me, I filled my cup and threw it back, then I quit.

“2 hours. I stopped at the break. They didn’t even train me. They just told me to get to work. As if I needed to know what to do