1692852989 Employees of several labor organizations managed to defeat inflation

Employees of several labor organizations managed to defeat inflation

Unlike most Quebec residents, workers at several labor organizations have managed to maintain their purchasing power despite high inflation, they said The newspaper.

Note that in 2022, Quebec’s average weekly earnings increased by 4.5%, while inflation hit 6.7%.

However, at the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN), the collective agreement of around 600 employees contains an indexation clause, which means that salaries are adjusted for inflation each year.

In June, therefore, CSN employees will receive a lump sum payment reflecting the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the 12-month period ended April. This meant they were entitled to a bonus of around 5.7% of their salary that year. In 2022 it was around 6.7%.

7.4% increase in Fondaction

The approximately 150 unionized employees of the CSN-affiliated labor fund Fondaction enjoy the same benefits.

“For the year 2022-2023, the indexation rate [des salaires] The measure linked to the increase in consumer prices was 7.4% and came into force on June 1, 2022,” said a spokeswoman for Fondaction, Stéphanie Dunglas. A new increase of 5.95% went into effect last June.

Because of their “performance,” Fondaction’s five highest-paid executives received even more. The average increase in their base salary over the past year was 10.4%. Including bonuses, pension plans and insurance, their total awards exceeded $2.6 million in 2022-2023, an average of more than $520,000 per person.

At the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, around 650 unionized employees also benefit from an indexation clause. This enabled them to secure a roughly 6.3% pay rise earlier in the year, which includes the annual increase already planned.

The five highest-ranking managers of the FTQ fund are also entitled to this indexation. In fact, they recently received an “extraordinary amount” to ensure that their compensation does not decrease in 2022-2023 compared to the previous year, even if the organization does not meet its financial goals.

Genevieve Morin, CEO of Fondaction

Janie Béïque, CEO of the Solidarity Fund QFL Pierre-Paul Poulin / Le Journal

The increases in the Central Association of Democratic Trade Unions (CSD) were somewhat more modest. Employees received a 5.35% pay rise last year and another 4.25% this year.

No indexing on the FTQ

The situation is very different at the Quebec Federation of Labor (FTQ).

“There is no indexation or inflation clause in the collective agreement for FTQ employees. The salary increase planned for this year is 2.5%. In addition, the four managers at headquarters are following the same increase as that of the employees,” specified Communications Director Rima Chaaban.

The same story at the Syndicat des Métallos, which is affiliated with the FTQ. “No, there were no wage adjustments linked to inflation, only the normal increases provided for in the collective agreement,” said spokeswoman Clairandrée Cauchy.

And at the Central Trade Unions of Quebec (CSQ), the wage increase that went into effect earlier in the year was 2.75%, said a spokeswoman, Maude Messier.