No tip for you Waitress snubs couple after asking if

‘No tip for you’: Waitress snubs couple after asking if they want to split their bill

The testimony of a waitress who was shocked by a message from two customers is making the rounds on social networks.

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A photo posted by the employee on the Reddit platform shows a couple’s rather harsh comments about their service.

“No tip for you, we read the note on the bill.” It was very rude of you to ask my wife and I to split the bill.

The waitress continues her story, explaining that it’s restaurant policy to ask customers if they want to split their bill. This rule was introduced after a mother caused a commotion in the dining room.

“The lady got angry because the waiter thought she and the man at the table were a couple,” she explained. We ask all customers if they want to separate the bill now to avoid such situation.

The employee said that she was not disappointed that she was not tipped and that she did her best. Nevertheless, she wanted to express her surprise at the situation, since issuing invoices had never been a problem for her.

This story seemed to divide Reddit users.

“A situation like this is ridiculous. “The fact that these people live in the same world as us fascinates me,” writes one user.

“It’s like that everywhere, isn’t it?” comments another. I get asked that question every time I go out to eat with another adult.”

However, others seemed to understand the couple’s frustration.

“Where is this place? I’ve never seen this before. “Usually waiters issue one bill per group unless otherwise specified,” one person indignantly retorted.

“I’m part of an interracial couple and I’m saddened by the lack of consideration I receive from the waiters,” says one woman.

According to information from the New York Post