Sanchez accepts a meeting with Feijoo to discuss the investiture

Sánchez accepts a meeting with Feijóo to discuss the investiture

Although no one expects an agreement, there will be a meeting between Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo to discuss the inauguration of the PP chief. The president of the incumbent government and the secretary-general of the PSOE will attend the meeting requested by the popular candidate as part of the round of consultations he announced to secure enough votes for the swearing-in after the September 26-27 debate. Barring surprises, this attempt is doomed to fail as only Vox, UPN and the Canary Coalition will support Feijóo and he doesn’t get enough votes with them.

In fact, Sánchez will use the appointment to show that the leader of the PP has no chance of getting his inauguration, while he hopes to get 178 votes when negotiations with nationalists and independents end. It will also remind you that before discussing possible agreements between the two major parties, you should agree to a resumption of negotiations to renew the General Council of the Judiciary, which is about to complete its five-year mandate, which also includes the General Council of the Judiciary Judicial system has mandate lasts. Real. Sánchez believes that Feijóo is completely unqualified to speak about important agreements, centrality and compliance with the constitution, while at the same time failing to fulfill this fundamental mandate for the renewal of the bodies.

In La Moncloa they believe that Feijóo is not really looking for the success of his attempt, which they consider almost impossible even in the PP, but to complicate the Sánchez negotiations, to make the nationalists and independentists doubt their price increase, thus increasing the chances of a repeat election. The Socialists are confident that the PP will not achieve this goal. But in any case, after the king ordered him to try, the possibility of not meeting with Feijóo was ruled out in La Moncloa so as not to prank the people.

“Democratic normality. “Of course we are open to talks with Feijóo and all political forces except Vox,” sources from La Moncloa and Ferraz said this Monday, confirming that the meeting will take place. Shortly before, PP spokesman Borja Sémper had announced at a press conference that Feijóo would request this meeting to give it the “maximum” relevance. The PSOE intends to use the meeting to demand that the PP stop calling for defectors, which the mainstream parties, as they understand in the party leadership, start when they ask the socialist MPs to vote.

Pilar Alegría, spokeswoman for the PSOE federal leadership and acting Minister of Education, has observed: “The first thing I would say to Feijóo is to apologize before calling Pedro Sánchez, because every day, even during the election campaign” and during the During the last legislature, the PSOE was constantly insulted and treated with disrespect.” “And I would ask you to heed these constant calls for defectors. I don’t know what Feijóo thinks the PSOE is, but this is a serious organization with a history of more than 140 years that deserves respect. Therefore, first of all, we apologize for having experienced a legislative period in which this government was delegitimized from the very first minute. The PSOE has been insulted day by day and lately we have been hearing these calls for defectors, especially with greater intensity,” he continued. The socialist leader even ironized the popular president’s decision to include his party in the round of consultations: “Feijóo will have to use his powers of persuasion to convince us how the sanchismo will be lifted,” an idea he denied the leader the PP defended throughout its campaign of generals.

The PP’s claim to sit down and talk to Junts per Catalunya, Carles Puigdemont’s party, has also given the Socialists a chance – it also intended to do the same with the ERC, which declined the invitation. “That’s enough of the hypocrisy of the PP,” Alegría has had an effect. Aware of the division that the deal with the Independentistas is creating in the PP, the PSOE has pointed to the absence of Madrid President Isabel Díaz Ayuso at the rally Feijóo held at the Castelo de Soutomaior in Pontevedra on Sunday practically resigned to leading the opposition. “There may be some leaders within the PP who are already in the pits preparing for what could happen,” Alegría added.

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At the meeting, Feijóo Sánchez will ask “to explore formulas to give the country stability,” said PP spokesman Borja Sémper. He did not detail what options the popular leader is considering. “We believe that the PP and PSOE have a responsibility to ensure stability and governance in the country,” said Sémper, who believes the meeting between Feijóo and Sánchez “should serve to chart a new path in Spanish politics level”.

The meeting with Sánchez will be the only one that Feijóo holds in the first person, since the contacts with the other parties – with the exception of EH Bildu, whom they exclude as an interlocutor – come from his faction. Thus, the popular president manages to avoid a hypothetical photo with junts, which causes him internal problems in the Catalan PP: its leader Alejandro Fernández has vehemently opposed talks with this formation. The leader of the Catalan PP considers Junts a “rival”, contrary to what Feijóo defended in an interview in El Mundo on Sunday, and wonders “what to talk about with a party” “whose essential thesis is this that Spain is one.” a dictatorship led by a fascist king”.

The spokesman for the PP’s national executive board worked hard this Monday to downplay the importance of internal disagreements over the matter and try to explain the inconsistency the party is falling into when it accepts talks with some leaders it hasn’t before has considered for too long putschists while precisely criticizing Sánchez for negotiating his investiture “with a fugitive”, referring to Carles Puigdemont.

The PP will not speak to the former Catalan president, Sémper stressed, although it intends to do so with the junts leaders in Congress. The popular speaker argues that negotiating with political groups is “not the same” as being willing to travel to Waterloo (the Belgian city where Puigdemont is on the run) to negotiate with the former president, as he claims the PSOE actually intends to do so. “Having two factions speaking is the same as a delegation going to Waterloo to speak to a fugitive?” Isn’t it the same. “We will not budge an inch in defense of constitutional Spain,” stressed Semper. At the same time, he accuses Sánchez that “the government of Spain may be influenced by Bildu and ERC, as well as by junts”, which he believes is “bad for the interests of the Spaniards”.

“Listening doesn’t mean giving in or selling yourself,” Sémper has had an impact when reacting to the words of the leader of the Catalan PP, which he downplayed because the party “is not a sect” and therefore “there are nuances can”. and tweets”. However, aware that not only Fernández, but part of the right is suspicious of his change of position towards junts, the popular speaker has repeatedly stressed that the PP “will not talk about anyone’s special interests”. ” and that he opposes an amnesty law or any other form of punitive relief for the independentists, which Junts is calling for: “To enforce the law or the norm for the benefit of those who have broken the law, which do not count for us,” he has decided.

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