Martin Matte is in hot water anger at TVA offices.webp

Martin Matte is in hot water: anger at TVA offices – Hockey30

– All employees dismissed by the TVA have a CHURCH in their hearts when they see Martin Mattte in his “FRAÎCHIER”.

– While the Gildor Roy and Marie-Claude Barrette of this world were blithely dismissed without warning.

– We must not forget the researchers, cameramen, people from HR, in short, the hundreds of other employees who lost their jobs without respect and without regard to their profession.

– Pierre-Karl Péladeau always used “media crisis” and “lack of money” to explain these layoffs.

– The problem?

– A HUGE PORTION of TVA GROUP’S BUDGET for 2023-2024 is reserved for Martin Matte’s TALK SHOW, which hits the stage this fall.

– It was not for nothing that Gildor Roy was shown the exit door…

– As well as several other TV presenters…(Marie-Claude Barrette, Saskia Thuot, Louis Jean)…

– The Matte MONUMENT is coming…


– It’s still strange that Quebecor is laying off 300 employees of a SHOT company …

– And immediately put together the package for a SINGLE SHOW.

– But what do you want…

– Matte is a MONEY MACHINE…

– The comedian, writer, producer and actor… turns everything he touches into GOLD…

– Normal to cut out the stations that don’t put “BREAD on the TABLE”…

– Let’s say since his arrival in 2011…

– Everything TVA Sports touches becomes WOOD…

– There are more and more fears around the TVA GROUP…

– To know if more job cuts are coming…

– Whether at TVA or TVA Sports…

During this time…

– Martin Matte’s TALKSHOW will obviously be the most lucrative show of 2023-2024.

– Pierre-Karl Péladeau will tell you…

– In order for a MONGOLFIÈRE to keep going up… you have to let go of BALLAST…

– So that Martin Matte and his big production land…

– We had to make room in the BUDGET.

– Péladeau appears to be tanned from pouring cash into projects that go into the red…

– Matte stands for GREEN…

– Normal that he nibbles TVA’s BUDGET…and TVA Sports…Quebecor’s SKINNY COW…

– However…

– It is also normal for employees and former employees of TVA to look at Martin Matte and want to shout nonsense at him.

– Especially with his small arrogant and overbearing face that makes this character a POPULAR man in Quebec.

“It was natural for me to return to TVA, where I had received carte blanche to Les beaux malaises. I still have the same carte blanche,” said he, who is producing the show with his Encore Television crew.

“In my stage performance, something comes very close to me. We’re going to do a ‘show’, it’s ‘live’, we’re witnessing a moment, it’s stressful and exciting at the same time.

– Even more stressful for fathers and mothers who lost their job at Groupe TVA last year.

– We took their salaries… for Martin Matte’s COUP de CIRCUIT…

– It is not for nothing that we see advertising for the TALK SHOW everywhere on the Internet, on TV, on the radio, on the street on large, larger than life signs.

– Martin Matte’s show is extremely resource intensive…like the big American TALKSHOWS.

– INVESTED LOTS OF CASH … due to layoffs that made it possible to “save money”.

– Norma that the dismissed employees get it wrong…

– A feces in the heart, not ready to go …

Martin Matte is ready to launch his show, which he will pilot on TVA from September 2023. It’s an exploded formula of a weekly talk show that combines interviews, musical performances with a house band, stand-up, “live” or already filmed skits, topos and even fiction. (VAT News)

“We will push humor in all its forms, provide a big party and emotion every week.” Martin Matte is a perfectionist, somewhat timid and tends to rehearse for a long time before stepping into the limelight. He is happy to have had time to prepare, a “luxury”.

He has surrounded himself with a team of writers – including his longtime collaborator François Avard – and is ready to present 10 episodes live. TVA has reportedly asked Martin Matte to go on the air in the spring, but he needed more time. Not wanting to write another solo show, the comedian, comedian, writer, director and producer set out on his own.

When TVA asked him to host a talk show, he already had several ideas in mind. Wanting to face a new challenge, he had reached that stage mainly as a comedian, like Jimmy Fallon or Jimmy Kemmel in the United States before him. His idol and role model for talk shows, however, remains David Letterman. The “backbone” of the show is already clearly defined, but neither the broadcast date nor the title are yet fixed. Martin Matte, who another station also wanted to direct a talk show, settled down at TVA, where he presented his hit comedy “Les beaux malaises”.

Yes, I’m throwing myself into the void because I’ve never done this before, but I’m doing it after years of stand-up and acting. “He’s happy to settle in the Espace St-Denis, a fully renovated multi-function space.” There are many possibilities in this space and it’s a comeback for me because that’s where I started my first show, ‘True Stories’. ”

After graduating from the National School of Humor in 1995, Martin Matte exploited his boastful “character” for years, then presented a less than perfect version of himself by blending fiction and reality in “Les beaux malaise,” a project that it allowed him to broaden his character horizons. At 52, he wants to be himself on his set, which means he’ll be funny, snappy, sensitive, brash, vulnerable, ironic, haunting and provocative.

“It has something to do with age, my fifties, I’m calmer, I have less to prove. I’ve done hundreds of “shows,” I’ve done TV series, it’s been a hit. I wanted to be in a gang, have collaborators, have a team. I also didn’t want to make a daily newspaper that forces you to do exactly that. The other TVA talk show “It end well the week” will also continue from September,” the broadcaster also confirmed.