He was in the surf in the middle of the

He was in the surf in the middle of the sea: then the fin comes towards him. The Scary Shark Attack Video Velvet Pets

A video of a shark attacking a surfer has gone viral. The images of the approaching fin are impressive.

Talking about sharks, especially in the summer, is certainly not a good topic. In general, encountering one of these giants of the sea is not a pleasant experience. Still, there are those who love them and would make false maps to take a risk and be able to see them, while there are those who have a real phobia, so much so that they do not swim in the sea for fear of being attacked.

Shark attacks surfer, the pictures are scary – Velvetpets.it

Most of us grew up watching the film.”Jaws”, the Steven Spielberg saga based on the novel of the same name. The images and soundtrack of the films dedicated to the shark have gone down in the history of cinema, and today many fans see the film that made millions tremble.

Shark attack, one of the most widespread terrorist attacks ever

The filmographies and documentaries devoted to the shark are very extensive, and Spielberg’s film is only the highest and most famous pinnacle of a vast world associated with this giant of the seas.

The shark scares millions of people – Velvetpets.it

In recent years, other films have been released that are dedicated to the terror of the seas, such as “Shark – Il primo squalo” from 2018 and the Shark 2 The Abyss Sequel where predators will burden the expedition of some experts and scholars. Stories about sharks have also filled TV documentaries with truly gruesome images that show the ferocity at which these sharks are operated Animal can attack humansand leaves indelible wounds or no body parts at all.

For many people, the idea of see a shark It’s so terrible that for years they refused to swim in the sea in the summer. Encountering a shark isn’t everyday, but when the famous fin is sighted on the beaches, chaos and terror reign.

The surf champion in the face of the shark: The video is impressive

The pictures went around the world and in the video published by Euronews you can clearly see what happened in the moments of panic during a race in South Africa, in Cape Town.

The cameras filmed the race at Jeffrey Bay three times World Surf Champion Mick Fanning, when suddenly a shark appears Bite the tip that holds the foot in place of the surfer on the board and pulls him into the water.

The scene was terrifying and one immediately feared the worst for the champion, who fortunately managed to break loose and free himself in the water. The man was recovered and rescued by the team’s jet skis, but the experience will live forever in the memory of those who lived it.