Donald Trump the best president ever

Donald Trump: the best president ever – Le Journal de Québec

Since the release of his identification photo, the former president and nominee for the Republican nomination has been filling his coffers by selling products that come from an alleged cheese factory.

Even if Agent Orange is indicted, he continues to lead his grumbling troops like a guru.

Trumpist: a select club

Ever since its first campaign, The Donald has fascinated observers of the political world.

Numerous studies of his supporters show that his militant base is less educated than that of his Republican opponents and that of the Democrats.

Every time I read a fan’s hymns of praise for Trump the bad loser, Trump the biased, I wonder if his supporters understand that they willingly join a group characterized by a lack of education.

Note that the same has already been observed among supporters of conservatives and right-wing parties everywhere. As if by increasing your level of knowledge and your ability to think, you suddenly realized that these politicians are only fueling anger and dividing people.

The idol of too many Quebecers

Quebec society is in many ways far removed from American society, that’s obvious.

Then why are there so many Quebecers who continue to praise the former President as if he were a Nobel Prize in Economics?

The man treated women like commodities, he put many illegal workers to work in inhumane conditions, several of his companies filed for bankruptcy totaling nearly $2 billion, and yet there are still those who sing his praises and cheer on the genius.

That makes no sense

Despite being accused of involvement in a criminal organization and being the first President ever to be humiliated by a photograph of a defendant, he inspires admiration.

Trump can only be called a genius because he surrounds himself with supporters who are dumber than him.

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