US police officer sticks climate sticker on car pulls out

US police officer sticks climate sticker on car, pulls out gun

On Sunday, activists blocked the access road to a festival. An American park ranger lost his temper and ran over the roadblock with his car.

Every year, thousands of people attend the Burning Man Festival, which takes place again this year between August 27th and September 4th in the Nevada desert. On Sunday, weather stickers blocked an access road to the festival site. When activists refused to break the blockade, the situation escalated.

Rangers threatened activists with guns

Among other things, activists demanded that the festival ban arrivals on private jets and single-use plastics. US Rangers officials issued an ultimatum to climate activists to lift the roadblock. However, as they remained seated, the Rangers hit the roadblock with their car, causing it to break down. One of the officers then pulled out a gun and threatened the activists with it before arresting them.

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Drivers reportedly threatened to be shot

The brutal operation was filmed by numerous witnesses with their cell phones and then shared on social media. One of the videos shows the policeman shouting at the activists: “I’m going to kill you all!”

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The police justified their crackdown by saying that an emergency call had been received saying that drivers had threatened to shoot the weather stickers. However, the videos only show how the authorities act against the activists. There have been isolated clashes between drivers and activists. Likewise, members of the Paiute tribe in Nevada urged activists not to protest on their tribal lands.

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Red Nav-Account Hour28.08.2023, 18:26| Act: 08/28/2023, 6:26 pm