Prigozhin Russian Media Hypothesis Bomb in Jet Air Conditioner

Prigozhin, Russian Media Hypothesis: Bomb in Jet Air Conditioner

Air conditioning failure behind the accident?

Everything would therefore be linked to a fault in the system that regulates the air conditioning of the aircraft, explains the Corriere della Sera. After the problem, which dates back to July 18, a replacement aircraft would have been sought and the jet would have remained stationary near Moscow, at Sheremetyevo Airport, for weeks. Then there would be an opportunity to plant the bomb in the new air conditioning system.

A man’s habits in constant danger

The Russian newspaper Moskovskij Komsomolets explains that the Wagner boss always changed his plans at the last minute, changing his schedule for professional reasons, but above all for reasons of his personal safety. This trip to St. Petersburg was supposed to take place on the 20th, but the flight had been postponed to the 23rd. Then there were changes in the flight schedule and the passenger list, which went from three to seven. For a character like Prigozhin, engaged in negotiations with rivals and therefore in constant danger, everything was normal.

The visit of two hypothetical buyers

On the other hand, the decision to show the plane, an Embraer, to the two prospective buyers, Alexandra Yulina and Sergey Klokotov, executives of the Rusjet company, arouses even more suspicion, since they boarded the plane after handing over their passports, which is usual in practice These cases. in appointment of 23rd August (it was scheduled for the 19th but was postponed to fix the air conditioning). The situation was managed by the very trustworthy Natalia Minibayeva, who had been by Prigozhin’s side for eight years. Pilot Rustam Karimov was also present at the visit. If on this occasion no one noticed any suspicious actions, then nothing is known about the subsequent moments before the start. In addition to the air conditioning hypothesis, there is that of a bomb placed near the wing.