Imma Pirone is the actress who plays Clara in the fiction “Un posto al sole”. But how was it at the time of Miss Italy?
Viewers really like her character, but what was she like a while back when she was on Miss Italia? The actress began studying acting at a young agel 2013 becomes one of the main actors in the soap program Rai 3He initially appeared in a few scenes and then slowly developed into a prominent character.
Class 1987 Imma was born on June 15th in Torre del Greco in the province Naples and belongs to the zodiac sign Gemini. Not much is known about her private life as she preferred to keep quiet about her daily life despite her overwhelming success.
It is known that she has an excellent relationship with her family of origin, Imma has six brothers and from a young age she helped her mother, who has one‘Cleaning company. She is a simple and sincere woman who has won the hearts of Italians both for her character and her talent.
He has been through some very difficult times in his past disappearance of his father In fact, her mother had to work a lot to support the family, and therefore the actress rolled up her sleeves and helped her without hesitation.
Imma Pirone is Clara from Un Posto al Sole, but do you remember her in Miss Italia?
Imma comes from Torre del Greco but grew up there Campobasso, Country where she took her first steps into the world of entertainment at a young age. In fact, the band is from Miss Rocchetta Molise beautyTitle asks allows you to achieve the selection of Miss Italy in 2010.
Among many beautiful girls, Imma manages to grab attention by landing on the big screen as an actress and in some music videos as well as various television programs. Today she is as viewers see her on television, but as she was when she took part Miss Italy?
Imma Pironi at Miss Italia – Instagram source @pironeimma –
Here she can be seen in this shot that shows her wearing the headband at a very young age Miss Rocchetta. As is clear from the photo, not much has changed despite the passage of time.
Imma certainly had a more immature face due to her young age, but in fact she remained almost identical. The hair was darkerIn fact, the actress has become blonde over the years, but if you look closely, the interpreter of “Un Posto al sole” is identical to the one she has today, except for the changed hairstyle.