Monark denies the video with an apology and delays the agreement with Flávio Dino Splash

Bruno Ayub, influencer known as Monark, failed to reach an agreement with Flávio Dino during an arbitration hearing this afternoon in São Paulo. The Minister of Justice and Public Security accuses him of libel, slander and a crime against honor.

Jorge Salomão, Monark’s lawyer, confirmed the information when contacted by Splash. He stated that the condition set by Dino was that Monark release a video apology.

Alexandre de Moraes’ decisions to suspend Monark networks influenced the positioning, informed Salomão. “My advice was that he should not appear in any media. If he stays silent or is banned, he has nowhere to express himself.”

Moraes ordered the suspension of profiles due to content that triggered the January 8 coup. Despite this, Monark created new accounts. In June, the minister issued a new decision ordering the blocking of the influencer’s accounts and prohibiting him from spreading disinformation about the electoral system and the STF.

Monark is willing to recant, but only by issuing a note. According to Salomão, the defense of the former governor of Maranhão insisted that the apology should be made on video, which made an agreement impossible.

Splash contacted Flávio Dino. The report will be updated when the Minister of Justice and Public Security comments on the case.

What did Monark say about Flávio Dino?

Former governor of Maranhão went to court in June of this year after the influencer called him “fat” and a “son of a bitch*” in a live appearance.

What did Monark say? “You will be enslaved by a ‘fat guy.’ This guy alone can’t stand a second on the street, he can’t run 100 meters. Put him in the forest to see if he survives.” […] Will you let this guy be your master? Did your parents raise you for this? “They sacrificed themselves for you, to serve that son of a bitch?” he said live.

Dino responded in a post on Twitter. “I rarely react to aggressors and criminals here. I’m always very busy implementing suggestions and actions every day when I post on social media. I just don’t see those who don’t want that. As for the criminals.” If anyone insults my honor, I trust the judiciary to whom I hand over such cases. And that’s not a ‘threat’. It is a duty and a right.”

The criminal complaint will be examined by the court in the coming months. Flávio Dino has not defined the possible compensation, but the defense may reach a value during the trial.