1693695627 Three minors missing in Rivera RSIch Information

Three minors missing in Rivera RSI.ch Information

Two 14-year-old girls and a 15-year-old did not return to their home in Rivera yesterday, Friday. The cantonal police announced this with a threefold search notice.

This is Melissa Safin, born June 18, 2009. Characteristics: 172 cm – medium stature – blue eyes – long and straight light blonde hair. It has 2 moon shaped earrings. At the time of her disappearance, the young woman was wearing long red pants, an “electric” blue sweatshirt and white Nike shoes. She could be carrying a black Vans backpack and a black Michael Kors bag. The young woman expresses herself in Italian.

Melissa Safin

Melissa Safin (Canton Police)

The second missing girl, also from Rivera, is May Bettosini, born January 22, 2009. Features: 150 cm – slim build – dark brown eyes – dark brown curly hair. At the time of her disappearance, the young woman was wearing blue tracksuits with the Nike symbol and white Nike shoes. He should have a black backpack (school type) with Vans lettering. She also expresses herself in Italian.

May Bettosini

May Bettosini (cantonal police)

The third search report concerns Carla Mattanza, also a resident of Rivera, born on April 3, 2008. Features: 160 cm – slim build – brown eyes – long, straight brown hair. He has a small earring in his right earlobe. At the time of her disappearance, the young woman was wearing black leggings, a top and a black sweatshirt. He may be carrying a black Vans backpack. She also speaks Italian.

Carla Mattanza

Carla Mattanza (Canton Police)

If you have any useful information, please contact CECAL, the cantonal police’s joint alarm center, on 0848 25.55.55

Published on: September 2nd, 2023, 8:37 p.m. Last modified on: September 2nd, 2023, 11:29 p.m