1693708976 Weekly horoscope 3rd – 9th September Venus retrograde is over

Weekly horoscope 3rd – 9th September: Venus retrograde is over – STYLECASTER

Your horoscope for the week of September 3rd to 9th holds lots of good news and great opportunities for growth. However, that doesn’t mean there won’t be confusion along the way.

The week begins with Venus retrograde finally coming to an end and going direct at 12 degrees Leo. In case you haven’t noticed, this summer has been full of celebrity breakups and drama when it comes to money, stability, and unity. With Venus no longer in retrograde, you can expect hearts to mend as the trials you have experienced have paved the way for an even deeper form of self-love.

However, let’s keep in mind that Mercury is still retrograde, meaning there may be misunderstandings and disorganized planning that will bring some of those old wounds to the surface until it reaches its station direct on September 15th. Luckily, just before Jupiter—the planet of optimism, expansion, and spiritual growth—stations retrograde on September 4, you may be left with a positive revelation that gives you enough hope to persevere over the next few weeks. Finally, Mercury forms a trine with Jupiter, helping us realize brilliant ideas, giving us the confidence to venture into something with great potential.

However, a third quarter moon arrives in Gemini on September 6th, putting us right in the emotional center of what this Mercury retrograde means for you. Finally, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, meaning this retrograde takes center stage in our hearts. Emotions may run high as your logic aims to make sense of your feelings. Remember: It’s okay to feel whatever you feel, even if it doesn’t make any sense at all.

When the Sun forms a trine with retrograde Jupiter on September 8, you can embrace a form of inner growth that leads to self-acceptance and self-reliance. Finally, Jupiter retrogrades through Taurus, a money-oriented and romantic sign that craves stability and access to resources. What can you do to take better care of yourself and give yourself the material pleasures that ground you? Having too much of something can be just as painful as not having enough.

Here’s what you can expect in the coming week, depending on your Sun and/or Rising Sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your Rising Sign):

Weekly horoscope 3rd – 9th September Venus retrograde is over

How the planets affect your zodiac sign this yearuh

  • Aries

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Aries 2023

    This week you formulate plans.

    The week begins on Sunday September 3rd with an extraordinary day. Venus goes direct in Leo, Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus tomorrow, and today both planets appear to be standing still. You may feel a great need to think about what you want in your life, and the universe is suggesting that achieving this may be easier than you think. Aries, you may be wondering if the obstacles in your path are an illusion to “protect” you from change. What might your life look like if you stopped seeing them as obstacles?

    On Monday, September 4th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus and remains retrograde until December 30th. Additionally, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo and your house of work and routine trines Jupiter. Today you may imagine a different lifestyle. And with that energy, you could design a plan to make it happen. You need a plan to build something in your life and today the energy is ready to make it happen. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • bull

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Taurus 2023

    This week your confidence is high.

    The week begins with special energy on Sunday, September 3rd. Venus goes direct in Leo and tomorrow Jupiter goes retrograde in your own sign. Today both planets appear to be standing still. You can be a magnet that attracts what you want. Take some time to imagine what you want in your life. Create a vivid picture of it in your mind and connect it with emotions. Then release it into the universe.

    On Monday, September 4th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus and remains retrograde until December 30th. Plus, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo and your house of fun and romance forms a trine to Jupiter. Taurus, you could have some fun today. Maybe later in the evening you’ll enjoy a little afternoon treat with your sweetheart or an intimate dinner for two. If you are looking for love, this is an excellent day to accept an invitation. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Twins

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Gemini 2023

    This week you have the opportunity to be social.

    The week begins on Sunday September 3rd with a unique energy. Venus goes direct in Leo, and tomorrow Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus. Today both planets appear to be standing still. Gemini, you’re often on the move, but today take time to reflect on what hasn’t changed in your life. Look at the things that remain but don’t meet your needs and ask yourself what you could replace them with.

    On Monday, September 4th, Jupiter goes retrograde in the constellation Taurus and remains retrograde until December 30th. Additionally, Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Virgo and your home and family trine Jupiter. You may receive calls from relatives you haven’t heard from in a while. Family members might show up unexpectedly on your doorstep. Gemini, you might run into family members at a restaurant. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Cancer

    StyleCaster |  Cancer horoscope 2023

    This week you have the opportunity to socialize.

    The week begins with special energy on Sunday, September 3rd. Venus goes direct in Leo, and tomorrow Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus. Today both planets appear to be standing still, making the energy very strong. It’s like having a megaphone and speaking to the universe. Cancer, your wishes and desires are expressed clearly and clearly.

    On Monday, September 4th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus and remains retrograde until December 30th. Additionally, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo and your house of interesting activities trines Jupiter. You might be very busy today and have fun hobbies. Cancer, maybe bake something or try new recipes in the air fryer. Playing catch with one of your children, cycling and dancing are all possibilities. Today you have extra energy for fun activities. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Lion

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Leo 2023

    This week you could win something valuable.

    The week begins on Sunday September 3rd with a rather unusual energy. Venus goes direct in Leo, and tomorrow Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus. Today both planets appear to be standing still and significantly increasing their energy. You may need to file a financial return today. It could be friends, family members, or even the universe. Today you can decide that you want to follow the path to wealth and take the necessary actions to make it a reality.

    On Monday, September 4th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus and remains retrograde until December 30th. Additionally, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo and your House of Money trines Jupiter. Today you could receive a windfall. You may find money or receive unexpected funds from someone else. Leo, you could win a prize or receive a valuable gift from someone. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Virgo

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Virgo 2023

    This week you have extra luck on your side.

    The week starts on Sunday September 3rd with a very special energy. Venus goes direct in Leo, and tomorrow Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus. Today both planets appear to be standing still, and you may feel the intense energy. Virgo, you are a magnet that attracts what you want. So focus on positive thoughts and think about what you want rather than what you don’t want.

    On Monday, September 4th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus and remains retrograde until December 30th. Additionally, Mercury retrograde in your own sign of Virgo forms a trine to Jupiter. Today you are very lucky. Virgo means you can take risks you wouldn’t normally take. It’s a good day to post your resume, go for a job interview, or ask your boss for a raise. If you’re looking for love, it’s a great day for a first date. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Scale

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Libra 2023

    This week your intuition is loud and clear.

    The week begins on Sunday September 3rd with a unique energy. Venus goes direct in Leo, and tomorrow Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus. Today, these two planets appear to be standing still, providing powerful energy to help you attract what you want. Libra, take some time today to figure out what that is, from love to career to lifestyle, and visualize it in your life. The universe is listening.

    On Monday, September 4th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus and remains retrograde until December 30th. Additionally, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo and your house of intuition forms a trine to Jupiter. Libra, you are very psychic today. You may receive messages from the universe and have intuitive impressions about a friend. Your dreams may contain valuable insights, so pay attention to them. This is a good day to work on honing your intuition and trusting your inner guidance. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Scorpio

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Scorpio 2023

    This week you will make good contacts.

    The week begins on Sunday September 3rd with a very unusual energy. Venus goes direct in Leo, and tomorrow Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus. Today both planets appear to be standing still. Scorpio, you may realize that you are in love. It may be a deep emotional connection to a person or you may feel completely committed to a particular course of action. Today you are highly concentrated.

    On Monday, September 4th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus and remains retrograde until December 30th. Additionally, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo and your house of friendships trines Jupiter. Maybe a friend invites you over for some fun tonight, which will keep you up well past bedtime. Pleasant conversations and good food and drink could keep you busy until late in the evening. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Protect

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Sagittarius 2023

    This week you have the magic touch.

    The week begins on Sunday, September 3rd with an unusual event. Venus goes direct in Leo, and tomorrow Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus. Today both planets appear to be standing still, resulting in extraordinary energy. Venus represents your desires while Jupiter brings luck and expansion. With these energies combined, you become a magnet for what you want.

    On Monday, September 4th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus and remains retrograde until December 30th. Additionally, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo and your career house is trine Jupiter. Today you have the opportunity to lead meetings and make a difference. You can navigate complex spreadsheets and present them in a compelling way. Sagittarius, your powers of persuasion will increase and you could sell anything. If you’re looking for a job, it’s a great day for an interview. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Capricorn

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Capricorn 2023

    This week you will find solutions.

    The week begins on Sunday, September 3rd with an extraordinary event. Venus goes direct in Leo, and tomorrow Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus. Today both planets appear to be standing still, giving them additional strength. Capricorn, your desires are expanded, perhaps to the point of obsession. You have the opportunity to concentrate your strength and energy into a single wish. It is important to communicate this desire to the Universe and express your needs.

    On Monday, September 4th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus and remains retrograde until December 30th. Additionally, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo and your House of Travel trines Jupiter. These days, you might come across great ticket deals or get frequent flyer miles from someone. If you’re traveling, this could be one of the best trips you’ve had in a long time. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Aquarius

    Weekly horoscope 3rd – 9th September Venus retrograde is over.webp

    This week you will find your strength.

    The week begins on Sunday, September 3rd with a very special astrological event. Venus goes direct in Leo, and tomorrow Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus. Today both planets appear to be standing still, giving them immense power. Aquarius, you have access to this power today, so use it. Use the energy of Venus to imagine what you want, be it love, money, or a new lifestyle, then use the energy of Jupiter to send your desires out into the universe.

    On Monday, September 4th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus and remains retrograde until December 30th. Additionally, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo and your House of Resources trines Jupiter. When it comes to finances, you are very lucky at the moment. This can manifest itself in you receiving additional money or a one-time cash injection. You’re also lucky when it comes to investing and applying for loans. Benefit from these favorable financial conditions. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • fish

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Pisces 2023

    This week see what lies ahead.

    The week begins on Sunday September 3rd with a very special energy. Venus goes direct in Leo, and tomorrow Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus. Today these two planets appear to be standing still, emphasizing your future desires. Pisces, take this opportunity to reflect and visualize what you would like to manifest in your life in a year or even further into the future.

    On Monday, September 4th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus and remains retrograde until December 30th. Additionally, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo and your house of relationships trines Jupiter. Pisces, this is an excellent time to meet new people and make romantic connections or meaningful friendships. If you are already in a relationship, this is an opportune time to discuss and plan your future together, thereby strengthening your bond on a deeper level. Read your full monthly horoscope here.