Nudism changed a couples life

Nudism changed a couple’s life

A honeymoon on a beach in Greece in 1994 changed the life of a British couple who decided to go naked.

According to the New York Post, Fiona Discombe, a 54-year-old woman, and her husband Michael, a 51-year-old man, saw a naked couple basking in the sun on the beach before deciding to imitate them.

“No one was watching, so we said, ‘Why not? said Fiona Discombe. “So we took off our clothes and got in the water, and we haven’t looked back since.”

When they returned to the UK after their honeymoon, they went on a naturist quest and tried to find places where they could practice naturism.

However, after scouting a few places, the bride and groom discovered that the people were “not as nice” as abroad and that many were “prudes.”

They then gave up their old lives to travel through Europe in a van. They then exchanged this lifestyle for the purchase of a boat that was just over 21 meters long. Couples who are nudists are welcome here.

Because Michael teaches yoga, visitors can enjoy sessions alongside home-cooked meals. Fiona Discombe, for her part, worked as a masseuse. It offers the same services on the boat.

“We have no difficulty sharing the boat with guests as we all generally share the common interests of nudism,” she said.


Growing up, Fiona Discombe never dreamed of being naked in front of other people after being bullied for her curves.

“If I hadn’t practiced naturism, I would still be lonely and shy,” she said. I wish I had the same level of confidence I had years ago […]. You don’t have to hide, and you don’t know what people are like or what they do because you can’t judge what they’re wearing.”