1693767384 Family installs camera and discovers that the neighbor poisoned them

Family installs camera and discovers that the neighbor poisoned them: the strong smell in the house and the child

Umar Abdullah from Tampa Palms, USA, was installing security cameras outside his home when he began to suspect something strange was happening… Already a subscriber? Login here!





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Umar Abdullah from Tampa Palms, USA, was installing security cameras outside his home when he began to suspect something strange was happening: his house smelled of chemicals and his 10-month-old baby was constantly sick. Although firefighters had visited the home several times, they were unable to determine where the strong chemical smell was coming from until the cameras finally revealed what was really going on.

The chemicals

His neighbor, Xuming Li, a 36-year-old chemistry student, had injected a liquid under the family’s door, namely the narcotics methadone and Hydrocone, a type of opioid used to treat pain. These chemicals were the cause of the child’s illness as they have side effects such as restlessness, stomach pain, vomiting, shortness of breath, skin irritation, chest pain, diarrhea, hallucinations and fainting.

The arrest

Abdullah, his wife and son suffered from shortness of breath and eye and skin irritation due to inhalation for several months. But that’s not all: During the investigation, an officer who was also exposed to the chemical agents reported skin irritation and had to be treated medically. Following evidence collection, Li was arrested and charged with aggravated stalking, three counts of distribution of a chemical warfare agent, one count of possession of a dangerous substance and assault on a police officer.

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