People being harassed by blue raspberry mud in La Tuque

People being harassed by blue raspberry mud in La Tuque – Le Nouvelliste

The spokesperson for the Sûreté du Québec told Le Nouvelliste that there is no police investigation file pending on the matter, but that the incident is instead being handled by the health authority. At the Integrated University Health and Social Services Center of Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec (CIUSSS MCQ), we have been confirmed that Public Health has looked into the matter to ensure that no other customer of this La Tuque company – without identifying them – who has done this has experienced discomfort through ingestion of food.

However, the CIUSSS MCQ spokesperson did not confirm to us that it was indeed a windshield washer in the name of confidentiality of the medical records. “There are people who consumed a product in a store in La Tuque who were affected and needed to seek advice. We were able to provide them with the treatment they needed for their illness. “Public health made sure that there were no other people who could be affected,” summarized Guillaume Cliche, specifying that only these two people from the same family suffered from ailments.

Fortunately, according to Steve Daudelin, one of the two affected people, there were no serious consequences: “We are doing very well, it’s just important to be careful because the symptoms can appear 3 to 12 hours after taking it… so be careful with that .” who notice a strange taste…” he wrote in the comments under the original Facebook post.

This publication, which reported a “serious risk of poisoning”, had been shared 260 times on the Facebook network at the time of writing on Sunday afternoon.

People being harassed by blue raspberry mud in La Tuque

However, according to some comments, a container of windshield washer fluid was placed in the wrong place, near the fluids used to prepare the slushie, causing the on-duty employee’s error. Le Nouvelliste was unable to speak to the people involved in this matter.

The executive director declined to comment and referred us to the banner’s communications department. A spokeswoman responded to our query by email: “We will not be commenting on the facts of the incident as our investigation is ongoing.” The police, for their part, have conducted an investigation and told us the following: “No file will be opened as it is “It was an accident and there are no criminal elements that would suggest an intentional act.”

The unsigned message continued: “We sincerely apologize for the situation and any inconvenience this may have caused the family, and please know that we are taking everything very seriously.” We have also communicated with the Family contacted to inform us about health status.

Previously, Marie-Claude Germain had changed her post: “Update: Jasmine and Steve were released from the hospital last night. After receiving the medication, her blood test results did not contain ethanol.” At the end of the day, the post was deleted.