Luxury tourist in Italy doesnt say good things about Europe

Luxury tourist in Italy doesn’t say good things about Europe “I hate it”

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    Luxury is very difficult. Despite staying in the most beautiful places in Europe, a tourist is not convinced by Italy and the like.

    Capri – For many international tourists, Europe is at the top of the list of travel destinations. But while for some tourists Italy, Germany, Spain, France or Greece are places they look forward to, for others these countries can turn into a real nightmare. Or at least perceived that way.

    That’s what happened to Australian Mikaela Testa. The Tiktoker (2.4 million followers) and luxury vacationer didn’t enjoy his stay at all. Although Italy, in particular, gained weight in her personal assessment, there was only one country that did at least something for her.

    Luxury tourists in Italy don’t do well in Europe – “It’s not what it claims to be”

    “Europe is not really what it claims to be,” says the luxury tourist in Italy about Europe on her Tiktok channel. “Influencers come to these places and make it look amazing and beautiful, but half of it is edited and covered with filters, it’s not real.”

    Italy, which has to deal with a completely different scandal because of a captain, comes out particularly poorly in its rankings: “You just have to walk all day to get where you want,” complains the 23-year-old. “We have been here for three months. Right now, we can’t wait to get home. We just hate it. We are negative. You get to a point in life where you start to hate everything around you, and all you need is something stable like your own bed, your own TV, and your own cats.”

    Luxury tourist in Italy and Europe outraged: “We were so shocked”

    Anyone who follows the influencer’s travel experiences through Italy or the rest of Europe can hardly believe that Testa’s vacation paradises trigger such rejection. After all, 23-year-old Tiktoker only spends time in the most beautiful places on the continent. She resides in the best hotels. Places like Barcelona, ​​Capri or Como Capri don’t matter: the luxury tourist only visits the best places. That’s why complaints about walking too much sound more like the whining of a spoiled child to any normal tourist. At least the Australian wasn’t chasing a Mediterranean waiter over “just” a 500 euro tip.

    The island of Capri in Italy under the sun.  In the background the incomparable coast and a holidaymaker in the foreground.An Australian woman on a luxury holiday is outraged by Europe. Italy, in particular, didn’t make her list of favorite places. (Symbolic image) © sergiomonti via

    Only Switzerland receives a good rating from luxury tourists. And this despite an incident that led her to immediately abandon the mountain chalet she booked with a friend for their stay in the neighboring Alpine country. According to the influencer, the Airbnb host called her and her friend sluts – for no reason. “We were so shocked that no one had ever insulted me like that,” Testa explained.

    Luxury tourist in Italy and Europe: “One of my favorite places in the world”

    Another problem criticized by luxury vacationers is communication problems. “English is not very common here,” says Testa indignantly. However, unlike Italy and the other countries on his European trip, Switzerland seems to have a special place in his heart. “Switzerland is truly one of my favorite places in the world.”

    Of course, comments on social media were quick to arrive. “Girl, you should be more grateful that you can do what you do,” is another of the coolest comments. “Most people would die to be you.” And something else becomes clearer: “We spend half the year in Europe and then we have the audacity to consider it overrated.” Even the Italian restaurant owner who launches a counterattack after a tourist protest is probably left salivating.