Group of 77 and China for a fairer world •

Group of 77 and China: for a fairer world • Workers Workers of Cuba

Group of 77 and China: Toward a Fairer World
Charge…The Group of 77 needs a common reflection on how to face the new realities in the world in order to access development, eradicate poverty, defend cultures and take their rightful place in global decisions that affect everyone (… .) We form a group of countries characterized by diversity in terms of geography, cultures and economic development. This diversity should not be a weakness, but a strength.Fidel Castro Ruz at the Group of 77 ministerial meeting on September 19, 1999 in Havana

At the time of its formation, the Group of 77 was described by the London weekly Sunday Observer as “the most important phenomenon of the post-war period”. In their first substantive document, they announced the will of developing countries to strive for an international order that was fairer to them.

Almost half a century later, this claim is still alive, and the South insists on looking for the best ways to articulate itself to confront the ambitions of the rich, economic crises and armed conflict.

In this context, the Group of 77 and China have become proactive interlocutors. This year, Cuba holds the interim presidency of the organization for the first time and aims to reaffirm multilateralism and the axiom that strength lies in unity.

  • Cuba seeks to strengthen solidarity among southern countries as well as cooperation in the areas of health, biotechnology, education, combating climate change and disaster prevention.
  • As interim president, Cuba participated in various summits and meetings, including:

– Meeting of the Contact Group of the Non-Aligned Movement on Post-Pandemic Recovery (March 2, Baku, Azerbaijan).

– Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (5-9 March 2023, Doha, Qatar).

– United Nations Conference on Water for Sustainable Development (March 22-24, New York, USA).

– VI. Forum of Latin American and Caribbean Countries on Sustainable Development of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC (25-28 April, Santiago de Chile, Chile).

– Petersberg Climate Dialogue (May 3, 2023, New York, USA).

  • At Cuba’s request, the Group of 77 and China presented draft resolutions “Towards a New International Economic Order” and “Unilateral Economic Measures as a Means of Political and Economic Coercion Against Developing Countries” to the Second Committee of the United Nations General Assembly.
  • The Cuban Foreign Ministry stated that it is a great honor and a great responsibility to hold the pro tempore presidency of the Group of 77 and China, since our country is aware of the great challenges that we face from the South: climate change, poverty , unemployment, food insecurity, unilateral economic coercion, reforms of trade and international financial institutions, and the escalation of geopolitical tensions and forms of domination and hegemony.
  • During his presidency, Cuba “works tirelessly, flexibly and always constructively to put into practice the transformative vision represented by the G77 and China and to promote through concrete actions the aspirations contained in the 2030 Agenda.”
