1693794024 Depleted gas reserves The export stop is approaching Nicola Porro

“Depleted gas reserves”. The export stop is approaching Nicola Porro

Gas Ecuador 02

Car bombs and drug offenses in prisons in the capital of Ecuador

Two car bombs and three grenade attacks targeting prison guards exploded again in Quito. Unusual attacks in Ecuador reminiscent of those in Pablo Escobar’s Colombia. At the same time, inmates in six prisons in Ecuador took at least 57 prison guards and police officers hostage to protest public security measures in prisons that were used as operations centers by drug dealers. The agents were released yesterday The car bombs were in a van and a limousine exploded in front of a State Bureau of Prisons (SNAI) building and a building that previously housed the offices of the same agency. The day before, SNAI had released from prison the six Colombian hitmen responsible for the August 9 murder of one of the favorite candidates in Ecuador’s presidential election, investigative journalist Fernando Villavicencio. According to Security Minister Wagner Bravo, the relocation was the reason for the ongoing attack. Since 2021, prisons have been the scene of numerous massacres, with 450 inmates dead so far, as the next president is elected on October 15.

Bolivia admits that it has run out of gas and will have to import it from 2029

President Luis Arce said reserves were exhausted and exports to Argentina and Brazil had to stop. “We have reached rock bottom,” Arce said, stressing that governors and mayors are no longer receiving money from gas exports to pay salaries and cover debts. During the administration of Cocalero Morales, the reserves accumulated by previous governments, which the MAS party calls “neoliberal,” were overused and are now exhausted. Exports reached 60 million cubic meters per day to both Argentina and Brazil, generating over $35 billion in revenue, which was used by the MAS to purchase “white elephants” such as the mausoleum/museum of Evo.

Cuba’s dictatorship confirmed: Díaz-Canel is traveling to New York in two weeks

The Cuban regime confirmed that the dictator Miguel Diaz-Canel will attend the 77th United Nations General Assembly in New York. Díaz-Canel is scheduled to arrive in New York before September 18 to attend the Sustainable Development Goals Summit. Afterwards, as President of the G77 plus China, he will give a speech during the general debate of the General Assembly and meet Lula. Until a few days ago, Díaz-Canel’s visit to the United States, where he has been absent since 2018, had not been confirmed by the authorities. After learning of the Cuban dictator’s possible presence, Cuban-American congressman Mario Díaz-Balart criticized the United States’ decision to grant Díaz-Canel a visa to attend the UN General Assembly. Díaz-Balart said he was “dismayed that the Biden administration is appeasing dangerous opponents and rewarding human rights abusers.”

Republican lawmakers believe the United Nations has failed to protect human rights by allowing the involvement of perpetrators such as Cuban leaders. He also suggested measures to cut funding for the organization. “If the UN takes itself seriously, then I will take the UN seriously. “The United Nations’ continued penchant for amplifying the messages of anti-American dictators and the world’s worst human rights violators like Díaz-Canel only confirms that my decision to withdraw U.S. funds is correct,” Díaz-Canel said. Balart. The senator, for his part Marco Rubio called Díaz-Canel’s trip to New York an “insult.”

Paolo Manzo, September 3, 2023

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