Ethiopian Investment Commission Chief Commissioner Lelise Neme said that while reviewing the database, there has been a huge influx of Chinese investments into the African country and that she has identified the areas that may be of most interest, such as manufacturing, agriculture, mining and Tourism and computer and communication technologies.
Neme, in statements to the Beijing People’s Daily shared by state television Fana Broadcasting Corporate, recalled the construction of more than 30 industrial parks to attract foreign investment and also provide a simplified and unique service for companies operating here.
“Our first private industrial park was the Chinese Industrial Park, the Eastern Industrial Park, which created more than 20,000 jobs. And there are a lot of investments there, including Huajian Group. Therefore, this will have a huge impact on the country’s economy and create more jobs for our people,” he stressed.
He specified that as a country they have the vision to be a beacon of prosperity in Africa and for this purpose they need more investments that match the current potential in Ethiopia that Chinese entrepreneurs can participate in.
Referring to the important contributions to the country’s economic and social progress, he explained: “What I like most about Chinese companies is that they always have a solution to every problem.” They will not complain about the challenge; Rather, they want to be part of its solution.”
Referring to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Commissioner highlighted the benefits achieved in recent years, including the development of essential infrastructure.
“I expect from the BRI that there will be more investors in Ethiopia, especially investing in infrastructure, further strengthening our relations and diplomatic relations so that we have more Chinese investing in Ethiopia and creating jobs and maintaining a cultural relationship. This creates a connection with both countries,” he concluded.