Preview Un Posto al Sole, Giulia cries after the sad episode

Today we take you to discover the previews of A place in the Sun next week from September 4th to 8th. There will be many twists and revelations in these new episodes that will put viewers to the test. Are you curious about what will happen? Julia and the other protagonists of the famous Italian soap opera? Let’s find out together.

Preview of Un Posto al Sole, episodes from September 4th to 8th

nuncio He’s deeply heartbroken because he just found this out Richard And Scarlett They marry. The girl doesn’t seem entirely convinced by her choice and Nunzio tries to understand more. Mariella apologizes to Serena and Giulia finds out about Mariella’s illness. Bricca suffers from senile dementia and this news shocks Luca.

A place in the SunA place in the Sun

As the episodes progress, we will see Giulia deeply sad and crying over Bricca’s condition.

Who is Giulia from Un Posto al Sole?

Julia She is Renato’s ex-wife and Angela’s mother and works as a social worker. Protagonist of numerous extramarital affairs MarcellusArturo and Luca, Giulia, who desperately wants a child, steals it, but is discovered by Alberto, the child’s father.

In the series we also see her dealing with rape by Faiello and breast cancer. He went to Albania with Petrit for a few years and then returned there Naples and just being a career grandmother.

Who is the actress who plays Giulia?

Giulia’s actress who we will see in tears in the next episodes of the famous soap opera A place in the Sun She is played by the very good actress Marina Tagliaferri. Born in Rome in 1953, Marina is one of the historical faces of the famous television series that has been broadcast on Rai 3 at 8:50 p.m. for 28 years.

He has been working as an interpreter since 1996 Giulia Poggi It owes its national fame largely to this soap opera, as it was previously practically unknown to Italian audiences, despite having played both in the theater and in the cinema.

We saw him on television with Ugo Tognazzi in the films Arrivalderci and Grazie, but also in the films Senza pelle and SPQR2000 as well as in the film Mignon è parti.

Marina Tagliaferri immediately left the big screen to work exclusively on the small screen. We remember her in television series such as Anna’s Courage, The Boys of the Wall and Desperately Giulia.

Preview of “A Place in the Sun.”Preview of “A Place in the Sun.”

After entering the soap opera A place in the SunTagliaferri has appeared in numerous Italian dramas including Linda and the Brigadier, God Help Us, The Cook’s Crimes and A Priest Among Us.

She also works as a voice actress for Whoopi Goldberg and Meryl Streep.

A curiosity: Like her character Giulia from Un Posto al Sole, Marina is also a socially active woman who loves nature and the piano.

Did you know that he even wrote and published a beautiful recipe book called? A seat… at the table?

For them, the cast of A place in the Sun It is her second family and we will certainly see her for a long time as an actress in the television series so popular with Italian audiences.