US Supermarkets Worst to Buy Fresh Produce Survey Says Cuban

U.S. Supermarkets Worst to Buy Fresh Produce, Survey Says Cuban Directory

This is not a current problem, quite the opposite. In the United States, finding fresh and quality produce is not an easy task. Most consumers look for fruits and vegetables that are, firstly, affordable and secondly, freshly cut and fresh. In a survey launched on the social network Facebook, shoppers themselves gave their opinion on the supermarket chains that are worst at buying fresh produce. More than 500 consumers answered the question on the respective topic. The majority places Walmart and Aldi at the top of the negative ranking in this regard. According to customers, it is not recommended to buy agricultural products in these places.

Worst chains to buy fruits and vegetables

Customers gave Walmart the top spot. Many people may not consider this chain a grocery store. However, others see good prices and positive aspects on their shelves.

However, quality continues to be at odds with affordability. In fact, Walmart was the grocery store mentioned most frequently in Eat This’s Facebook survey mentioned above. There have been repeated negative comments about the fresh produce available for sale, which is often rotten or in poor condition.

Aldi, known as a great grocery chain at very affordable prices, is characterized by the low quality of fresh products such as vegetables and fruits.

A user commented on this in the survey. “Aldi, if you don’t use the product on the same day, it will go bad. I bought strawberries and the next day they have mold, bananas that turn brown very quickly. For me it is a waste of money to buy products there.

Meanwhile, Costco also highlighted its fresh produce department negatively. One respondent reported on his experiences. “Where I live, my local Costco has the worst products. It just sits too long and spoils within 1-2 days of purchase.

Finally, customers who responded to the Facebook survey cited Trader Joe’s’ case. Several users were dissatisfied with the quality of the store’s fresh produce.

One user wrote: “I love Trader Joe’s but not because of the products. Everything I buy is damaged, withered and spoiled within 2 or 3 days. I haven’t seen green onions in months and the avocados are either hard or overripe, so there’s no middle ground.”