1693890982 Belen Rodriguez and the first selfie as a couple with

Belén Rodriguez and the first selfie as a couple with Elio Lorenzoni, they are on vacation in the Dolomites

Belén Rodriguez and her boyfriend Elio Lorenzoni went to the Dolomites for a weekend. Her partner’s Argentine showgirl publishes on Instagram the first couple selfie taken during a paragliding flight.

Belen Rodriguez and the first selfie as a couple with

Weekend in the Dolomites for Belén Rodriguez and Elio Lorenzoni, an entrepreneur who has been her partner for several months. The Argentinian showgirl, fresh from another breakup with her husband Stefano De Martino, treated herself to a couple’s vacation in the mountains and took part in a paragliding flight the first selfie with Elio posted on his Instagram profile. The entrepreneur appears in the photo next to Belén, but prefers to stay in the background while the former Le Iene presenter shoots a video. “Should I give you a whole one?” asks Elio, thinking his partner wants a photo. It is Belén who whispers to him that it is a video in which Elio decides not to appear.

Belén Rodriguez’s fans are conquered by Elio Lorenzoni

The photos that Belén published next to Elio on Instagram showed a special turnaround. The showgirl has only been out in the open air alongside her partner for a few days and has published a series of photos that have aroused general curiosity. However, for the first time, the haters’ merciless comments were far outweighed by the compliments the Argentine showgirl received from other women. “After Marco Borriello, Elio is the most beautiful man you’ve ever had,” writes one follower. However, another directly refers to herself as “Elio’s little girl.” Compliments that certainly pleased Rodriguez, who has always been very attentive to what comes to light about her on social media.

The alliance between Stefano De Martino and Antonino Spinalbese

The newly formed relationship between Belén and Elio (even if it seems that the two have known each other for at least ten years) has brought about a unique side effect: the surprising rapprochement between Stefano De Martino and Antonino Spinalbese. Santiago’s father and Luna Marì’s father started following me on social media when Rodriguez decided to come out alongside her new partner. At the moment, there are no photos of a brotherly hug or friendly meeting, just a strange exchange of “followers” that has caught the attention of crime news enthusiasts.