Anti Cuban terrorists beyond hatred and farce

Anti Cuban terrorists, beyond hatred and farce

A delegation from the so-called Assembly of Cuban Resistance and the so-called Hemispheric Front for Freedom in Ukraine recently appealed from Kiev to the “Cuban soldiers” to side with the “Ukrainian people”.

The false report, seasoned with melodramatic staging, that our country’s troops are taking part in hostilities on the Russian side, is making headlines in the most important counter-revolutionary media.

If there were a prize in the world that would reward deception, it would have to be given to Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat, head of the delegation and spokesman for such deceptions, for his life’s work.

It is useful to remember who the concerned champion of the “Ukrainian people” is: Gutiérrez Boronat is the leader of the so-called Cuban Democratic Directorate, one of many anti-Cuban organizations funded by the US.

He was also active in the terrorist organizations Abdala, Cuban National Liberation Front, Organization for the Liberation of Cuba and Jovenes de la Estrella, the latter of which was responsible for planting dozens of bombs in Miami.

He is also connected to the US intelligence services and coordinates the Hemispheric Front for Freedom, a coalition of international right-wing extremists who oppose the governments of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

Boronat is an ardent supporter of the blockade against the island and has more than once called for direct military intervention in the Greater Antilles.

Among his “meritorious and peaceful deeds” is that he was responsible for the attack carried out by a group of masked men on the Prensa Latina offices in Mexico City several years ago.

However, if we search his long anti-Cuban record, we will find many more “interesting” things that prove this person’s criminal stature.

In May 2002, then-Deputy Secretary of State John Bolton delivered the speech “Beyond the Axis of Evil: Additional Threats from Weapons of Mass Destruction.” Then they added Libya, Syria and Cuba to the so-called “Axis of Evil,” which they said consisted of Iraq, Iran and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

This served the administration of George W. Bush and subsequent administrations to deceptively fabricate a symbolic relationship between terrorism and Cuba, which formed the basis for the archipelago’s inclusion on the list of sponsoring countries.

The outlines of this speech were based on the Special Report on Cuba and the Terrorist Coalition, released on September 19, 2001, a week after the demolition of the World Trade Center.

This was intended to connect us to the violent events of September 11th by suggesting the existence of links between Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda, and Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Syria and Cuba.

The author of such a dangerous mistake was Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat; At least the text bears his signature. Such accusations pose a serious threat to the Cuban people at a time when hellish war has been unleashed in several “dark corners of the planet.”

What is such a “prominent” figure on the extreme right looking for in Ukraine?

The script is not complex at all. The central objectives of the new US campaign are to sever diplomatic relations between Cuba and Ukraine, strengthen ties with the old continent’s extreme right and strengthen the political and cooperation agreement between the island and the European Union, one of the most important financial agreements blow up partners of the Greater Antilles.

In addition, and no less important, it is sought to launch a diplomatic offensive against Cuba and Russia at the United Nations, as part of the measures being prepared against the presence of the Cuban President in New York.

They want to prevent our nation’s voice from being heard, prevent South-South cooperation and impede the path to a multipolar world; Therefore, they are extremely concerned about the G77 and China summit that will take place in Havana this month, which will even be attended by the UN Secretary General.

Whatever the case, their “star operator” had to be sent on tour, on a State Department-sponsored tour. Nobody likes it when he acts in front of the camera and tells crazy and false stories against the country where he was born without the slightest blush.