IST AG launches new moisture sensor in oil Mesurescom

IST AG launches new moisture sensor in oil –

This product is ideal for continuous monitoring of water content in industrial oils

IST AG developed the new sensor. This is a compact digital humidity and temperature (RH/T) module that measures the relative degree of water saturation in %RH (water activity%) in oils and fuels. This measurement method has a significant advantage over measuring absolute water content (in ppm H₂O) as it always reflects the current condition and performance of the oil.

In industry, moisture monitoring can be used for large volume oil tanks in large drilling machines and paper machines as well as in smaller systems such as mobile filter systems.

With its robust and compact screwed stainless steel housing, this new sensor is ideal for use in industrial environments. Thanks to a universal digital electronic interface (I2C), the sensor can be easily integrated into various measurement and monitoring systems. The sensor is temperature compensated and calibrated; a test board with analog outputs (0-10V) is also available for evaluation. IST AG also offers application-specific assembly and calibration solutions for this sensor.

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