78 years after Vietnams independence the figure of Ho Chi

78 years after Vietnam’s independence, the figure of Ho Chi Minh grows larger with time La Haine

The creation of a new society with the first worker-peasant government in Southeast Asia

78 years ago, on September 2, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh read out the Declaration of Independence in Hanoi before hundreds of thousands of people representing more than 20 million compatriots, thereby proclaiming the birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, today’s Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Since this memorable date, Vietnam’s history has entered a new phase, that of independence and freedom. Almost eight decades after this historic event, the country continues to evolve and consolidate its position on the international stage as an independent and sovereign nation.

Golden page in national history and international event

September 2, 1945 marked one of the most glorious chapters in the millennia-old history of national construction and defense of the Vietnamese people. The Declaration of Independence, the first founding document of this republic, laid the foundation for a constitutional state that strives for the independence, freedom and happiness of its people, stimulates creativity and illuminates the revolutionary path to new levels of development, building a state of the people, by and for the people .

The document also sealed the victory of the Vietnamese people’s nearly century-long heroic struggle against colonialism and feudal rule, reflecting their quest for independence and freedom after the long night of slavery. Since then, the Vietnamese, as the true masters of the country, have fulfilled their historic mission of liberating the South and reunifying the country in 1975 under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Historian Duong Trung Quoc estimated: “On September 2, 1945.” When President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence and founded the Republic, it marked the end not only of the rule of Japanese fascism and French colonialism, but also of the feudal regime. The event took the country to a new level of republican democracy, with the force that led the struggle for independence, it continued its subsequent resistance for national defense.”

78 years after Vietnams independence the figure of Ho Chi

With the Declaration of September 2, 78 years ago, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam was officially declared the first independent state among the colonies. It also signaled the creation of a new society with the first worker-peasant government in Southeast Asia and the beginning of a new era of independence and freedom for the world’s oppressed peoples. American professor George Michael noted: “At the international level, the impact of Vietnam’s independence in 1945 is very clear. With this event, Vietnam became a role model for colonial countries.” I believe that this conquest inspired all countries that suffered from the oppression of colonialism. “Vietnamese people can be proud of this event, which made them the first country in the region to achieve independence after World War II.”

Young people born in a time of peace know the achievement of independence only through the stories of their grandparents and parents. Through them, this historic event has been imprinted in the minds of new generations, teaching them the tradition of gratitude to those who sacrificed their lives for peace and also reminding them of the responsibility to preserve that peace. And young Vietnamese have demonstrated their patriotism in many different ways, from the simplest to the most practical jobs. Le Van Luong, deputy secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union in central Nghe An province, said: “On Independence Day, we remember Uncle Ho and those who sacrificed to achieve the peace we enjoy today.” “The young Generation Vietnam recognizes its great responsibility and continues to strive to voluntarily and creatively study, practice and contribute to building the country to become more prosperous and powerful.”

Powers for the future

Over the past 78 years, Vietnam has made constant efforts to move forward. After almost 30 years of rehabilitation, the country has reaped great benefits. He is admired by friends around the world who see him as a symbol of social stability, the fighting spirit against poverty and the glorification of humanism in the 21st century.

On its development path, it advanced towards industrialization and modernization, guaranteeing the political-social stability and well-being of its people, democracy and discipline, and defending independence, sovereignty, national unification and territorial integrity. It also seeks to strengthen national standing in a world of integration. It is urgent for Vietnam to achieve these goals, following the guiding principles of the August Revolution and Independence Day.

Even after 78 years, the values ​​of democracy and equality of the September 2 Declaration of Independence continue to give the Vietnamese people confidence and vitality to move forward and continue to leave a glorious footprint in national history.