Myrta Merlino comes to Pomeriggio Cinque, Bianca Berlinguer brings È semper Cartabianca to Rete 4. The debut of Mediaset’s new signings has been expected for weeks, even if the two journalists, although new to Cologno Monzese, are well known to the public at home. And as veterans of the small screen, they could only start well, even very well: Auditel is testament to this. But will their success last? Are the Biscione networks “reclaimed” from the trash destined to become leaders in Italian-style infotainment? We spoke to Sebastiano Pucciarelli, author and co-host of TV Talk (Rai3), about it.
What do the first hearing data tell us? After the excellent results of Merlino in the afternoon on Canale 5, Berlinguer celebrated its debut on Rete 4 with 1,208,000 viewers and a market share of 9.6%, surpassing the result of the previous year in its debut on Rai 3 (862,000 viewers with a market share of 6.6%). .
First, the numbers need to be put into context. As for È semper Cartabianca, the duration of the program and the competition must be taken into account: compared to last year, the program lasted an hour longer, which can have a big impact on the share, while the competition was weaker. In 2022, Rai 3’s Cartabianca actually had to compete with Mario Giordano’s Fuori dal Coro, a consolidated and highly regarded Rete 4 program. However, this year Viale Mazzini presented a relatively new show: Filorosso with Manuela Moreno. Furthermore, while Berlinguer’s result is excellent, it is more or less the same as what he achieved in his last public service episode before the summer break.
Did the novelty effect have an impact?
Surely. It is strange to see a surname like Berlinguer on Rete 4, hence the public’s curiosity. The same goes for Myrta Merlino, who joins Pomeriggio Cinque after fifteen years under D’Urso’s leadership. There is also no La Vita in Diretta by Alberto Matano as a counterpart to Rai 1. In a month, when the wave of new products is over, we will be able to make a more precise assessment.
As a critic, what do you think of the various changes in the 2023/2024 television season?
In fact, I see a lot of continuity. Let’s start with È semper Cartabianca: The title has a clear reference to the Rai 3 broadcast, from which the studio scenography and colors were also taken. Even the guests are the same, and there’s no shortage of Casa Vianello-style arguments between Berlinguer and Mauro Corona. To this we add the words of the journalist who, at the beginning, made a point of reassuring the public by saying: “It is always us, with our ideas, our passions, our curiosities.” In short: the order of the courts changes , but the menu remains the same. And that can ultimately be disappointing from the perspective of the television offering.
And Myrta Merlin?
You’ve covered politics for years and have managed to adapt well to a container that focuses on news, particularly crime news. She presented herself soberly and discreetly, with her heart on her sleeve, knowing full well that too abrupt a change runs the risk of “traumatizing” viewers accustomed to a certain style. Even the scenography and graphics – apart from the shocking titles – are in continuity with previous years. The same goes for Fabio Fazio, who will arrive in Nove preserving all the elements that characterize Che tempo che fa.
Back to Auditel: the data processed by Studio Frasi for Il Sole 24 Ore shows that between June and August, Mediaset achieved an average audience share of 37.5 percent in prime time and 37 percent in the 24 hours. For Rai the value is 35.7 percent on the average day and 36.2 percent during prime time. These are figures that illustrate a turnaround compared to the past: Is Viale Mazzini in danger of being restarted without towing?
The data is undeniable. And it is also true that Mediaset has carried out a very aggressive purchasing campaign. However, it is important to note that Italian television experiences a significant decline in viewership due to the summer holidays. The situation changes in the fall when activities resume and the weather becomes cooler, leading people to stay indoors longer. At this moment the real game begins.
Myrta Merlino and Nicola Porro. Good reviews at Mediaset. And it’s also thanks to Rai
by Adalgisa Marrocco