Lula traveled to India for the G20 summit

Lula traveled to India for the G20 summit

The national delegation, which kicked off after the main event with an Independence Day military parade on the capital’s ministries esplanade, plans to arrive in New Delhi tomorrow evening after making stops in Recife, Brazil, and Tunisia.

At the leaders’ forum, scheduled for September 9 and 10, Brazil will take over the bloc’s rotating presidency, currently in the hands of India. It will be taken over by the government from December 1st.

Statements from the ex-trade union are expected in the first two meetings and at the end of the meeting.

According to the Minister of Economy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maurício Lyrio, the Brazilian president will defend measures to reduce hunger in the world in the Indian capital.

It calls for reducing economic and social inequalities between countries and reducing poverty.

Last Friday, Lula stressed at an event in the state of Rio Grande do Sul that he wanted to “discuss inequality.” “Gender inequality, racial inequality, inequality in healthcare, in wages, the inequality between one person who eats 20 times a day and the other who doesn’t eat for 20 days.”

Lyrio also reported that there were several requests for bilateral meetings with the head of state on the sidelines of the G20 meeting.

The Workers’ Party founder “has already outlined what Brazilian foreign policy is and what Brazil’s presidency in the G20 will look like,” he noted.

After the G20 summit, Lula will attend the Group of 77 plus China summit in Havana, Cuba, on September 15 and 16.

He will then continue his journey to New York (USA), where he will take part in the United Nations General Assembly, which will take place from September 19th to 23rd.
