Tulsi Gabbard won a standing ovation at the CPAC praising

Tulsi Gabbard won a standing ovation at the CPAC, praising the Durham probe

Former Democratic Party spokesman Tulsi Gabard has crossed party borders to give a keynote address Friday night at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando.

Gabbard, who is both politically committed to sen. Bernie Sanders and also a frequent guest of Fox Newsdelivered a distorted speech in which he spoke out against “the power elite” and “their conspirators in the mainstream media and the security state.”

She delighted the right-wing crowd by saying that in an ideal world, “our leaders would bring James Clapper to justice to answer his lies to Congress about how the government gathers information.”

“And they would support the Durham investigation and the Clinton corruption in 2016 …,” she said, without even finishing her sentence before applause.

It persecutes both Democrats and Republicans in Congress, “who talk about a good game for civil liberties, but when it comes time to vote on things like removing FISA’s secret courts and protecting our rights to the fourth amendment’s privacy, they vote for the side of the ruling elite and against freedom.

DESPISE THE WAY?  Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard waves to attendees at Ronald Reagan's annual CPAC dinner Friday night in Orlando, Florida

DESPISE THE WAY? Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard waves to attendees at Ronald Reagan’s annual CPAC dinner Friday night in Orlando, Florida

Former Republic of Tulsi Gabbard uses aerial quotes as he delivers a keynote address Friday night at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida

Former Republic of Tulsi Gabbard uses aerial quotes as he delivers a keynote address Friday night at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida

Former Democratic Party spokesman Tulsi Gabard delivered a speech calling for

Former Democratic Party spokesman Tulsi Gabard delivered a speech calling for “the power elite” and “their conspirators in the mainstream media and the security state”

This remark also received applause.

She said the ideology she opposed was tantamount to “Biden-Clinton-neocon-neolib foreign policy”.

Gabbard ended day two at the CPAC, which was relocated to Orlando last year due to more permissive regulations for Florida’s COVID.

The election of the former Democratic presidential candidate raised eyebrows, but it also made sense, as she spent her time retiring in Congress more on Fox than anywhere else in politics.

She joked about the dynamics when she came on stage.

“I have to say, when Matt and I first talked on the phone that I was coming here, we both had a similar reaction to each other, saying, ‘Yes, there will probably be some strong thoughts that people will share with both of us.’ “Said Gabbard, referring to the leader of the American Conservative Union, Matt Schlap, whose organization organizes the CPAC.

She said that after her speaking slot was announced, “the blue tickers started to line up”.

She said “so-called progressives” called her a “traitor.”

“Hillary was right,” she continued. “Get her out of here.”

In 2019, Hillary Clinton famously suggested that the Russians were “preparing” Gabbard, although she did not use the congresswoman’s name.

Gabbard left his seat on the Democratic National Committee three years ago to publicly support Sanders, who was fighting Clinton, and told then-DNC chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz in an email revealed by a Wikileaks hack that he believed DNC manipulates primarily in favor of the more massive former secretary of state, senator and first lady.

At the CPAC stage, Gabbard said Schlap had received similar warnings from those on the right.

And then I started seeing things that come out of so-called conservatives, aimed primarily at Matt, and they say, “How dare you? Don’t you know he’s a Democrat? Cancel it, refuse it or lock the doors, don’t let her in, Gabbard said.

She then launched an attack on the country’s tribes.

“This kind of tribalism is dangerous and emblematic of the erosion of the spiritual foundation in this country,” she said. “This is emblematic of this lack of recognition that we are all children of God, that we are one nation under God, and the knowledge that this inspires us.”

From there, she entered into the essence of her speech, which was to break up the so-called “power elite.”

“They believe that freedom of speech is something that should be left only to those who agree with them,” Gabbard said.

“The latest strategy and tactics they use is to try to undermine our freedom of speech by pledging to say that they have a responsibility to protect us from so-called misinformation,” the former Hawaiian congresswoman said. “So, in essence, they say they will protect us from what they say is not true.”

She accused US government leaders of “working with their mouthpieces – the mainstream media and big technology – doing exactly what our founders rejected”.

Gabbard said that instead of participating in the debate, the ill-wishers are blurring.

“I’m sure you’ve all heard them before.” I have. Like today, “she said.” Russian asset. White supporter. Fanatic. Racist. Extremist. Traitor.

“But what is even more dangerous than repealing this threat is the federal government, which is using its power to punish those who dare to question or disagree with their policies.” she continued.

She cited the wording of a DHS.gov newsletter earlier this month entitled: “Summary of the terrorist threat to the US homeland. ‘ “The spread of false or misleading stories that sow discord or undermine public confidence in US government institutions,” the document said.

“Basically, what we are told is that you are an enemy of the state, if you dare to oppose or even question the president, his administration about his policy, shut up, step back, stand in line or we will reach you. – she said.

She used the moves of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau against truck protesters as an example of how something like this is happening.

Gabbard said Trudeau “resorted to genuinely authoritarian and tyrannical means of suppressing a peaceful mass protest against the ruling elite.”

She then asked those attending Ronald Reagan’s dinner to join her in an “alternative universe.”

“The one in which our leaders actually took their oath of office seriously,” she said. “If we lived in this world, they would close the FISA secret courts and stop three letter agencies like the NSA, the FBI and the CIA from illegally spying on Americans.”

“They would condemn the Attorney General of the United States for his shameful attacks on American parents such as those in Ludon County and across the country,” she continued.

In Ludon County, Virginia, parents demonstrated against wearing masks and teaching critical racial theory.

She then dropped the name Clapper and the Durham probe.

Special Prosecutor John Durham is investigating the origins of the FBI investigation into Russia.

Related to this is the use of FISA orders, which former President Donald Trump and his allies have criticized, as one was used to monitor Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser for the former president’s 2016 campaign.

After warning of these dangers, Gabbard ended his speech with a positive note.

“As we look ahead, we can take heart, knowing that our path will be illuminated by the fire of freedom that burns brightly in the hearts of Americans in every community,” she said.

And then the Democrat left the stage to a standing ovation.