18 year old Mason Sisk from Alabama is sentenced to life in

18-year-old Mason Sisk from Alabama is sentenced to life in prison for murdering his entire family because he was “fed up”: Judge accuses him of being “shrouded in utter evil.”

An Alabama teenager was sentenced to life in prison for murdering his five family members in 2019 because he was “fed up” with them.

18-year-old Mason Sisk shot his parents and three younger siblings in the head on September 2, 2019 in Elkmont, Alabama.

The teenage killer, who was 14 at the time of his brutal crime, was sentenced Thursday by Limestone County District Judge Chad Wise.

The judge said the crime was “horrific, disturbing and marked by unmitigated viciousness”.

The life sentence came after Sisk was convicted of four counts of murder for killing his father John Sisk, 38, his adoptive mother Mary Sisk, 35, and his younger siblings Kane, 6, Rorrie, 4, and Colson, 6 months). The jury deliberated for less than two hours.

Mason Sisk, 18, was sentenced to life in prison Thursday for the 2019 murders of his five family members

Mason Sisk, 18, was sentenced to life in prison Thursday for the 2019 murders of his five family members

John Sisk, 38 Mary Sisk, 35

John Sisk, 38, and Mary Sisk, 35, were shot and killed along with their three young children by Mason Sisk, who was “fed up” with them

Sisk murdered his three younger siblings, Kane (6), Rorrie (4) and Colson (6 months).

Sisk murdered his three younger siblings, Kane (6), Rorrie (4) and Colson (6 months).

Limestone County District Attorney Brian CT Jones said, “I’ve prosecuted a lot of people in my career, and I can tell you that out of all those people, only four out of five scare the crap out of me, and he’s there.” at the top of my list.’

Sisk was not eligible for the death penalty because he was under 18 when his family was murdered.

Before Thursday’s sentencing, members of the deceased family issued victim impact statements in July.

Mary Sisk’s brother Douglas Prater said, “On September 1, 2019, I came home with gifts for everyone – including you, Mason. “Instead of seeing the happiness on their faces, I had to put those gifts in boxes.”

Mary Sisk’s sister Katie told Mason that his nanny didn’t believe he was the killer until she saw the evidence.

Katie said: “How could her first grandson murder her family?” She suffered a heart attack and later died of cardiac arrest. I don’t know if I will ever forgive you, but I mourn for you. The little Mason I knew died the day you murdered her.’

Sisk was 14 years old at the time of his crime, which is why he is not eligible for the death penalty

Sisk was 14 years old at the time of his crime, which is why he is not eligible for the death penalty

The judge wrote that Sisk's crime was

The judge wrote that Sisk’s crime was “horrific, disturbing and surrounded by unmitigated evil.”

Matt “Gator” Paddle, a good friend of John Sisk, described Mason as “a nerdy boy” and said he stayed in his room a lot.

Gator said he felt tension between John and Mary, but “didn’t sense tension between Mason and his family.”

The deputy barrister said: “There were allegations that Mason was abused by John. “That may be true, except he took it out on his entire family.”

Video footage of Sisk’s confession to the murders showed him admitting to the murders of his family because he was “sick of all the fighting in his family.”

About 31 witnesses appeared in court for Sisk’s trial in April, and on the final day of testimony, jurors heard from witness investigator Johnny Morrell.

Morrell discussed the evidence presented in the case, including Mary Sisk’s cell phone and the interviews conducted at the time of the murder when Sisk confessed to the crime.

Sisk’s confession came after a lengthy questioning by former Sheriff Mike Blakely.

Lawson live-tweeted the trial in April and said Mason had a

Lawson live-tweeted the trial in April and said Mason had a “limited reaction” to the jury’s decision but seemed “somewhat shocked.”

The interview video shows Sisk repeatedly denying killing his family while Blakely accuses him of lying.

The trial was originally held in 2022, but was declared a mistrial after it was discovered that the FBI had finally unlocked the cell phone of Sisk’s adoptive mother, Mary Sisk.

At the retrial in April, the judge thanked the jurors for tackling the difficult subject and said they would likely be changed forever.