G20 begins in India with bloc divided over war in

G20 begins in India with bloc divided over war in Ukraine

Brazil assumes the presidency on December 1 for a oneyear term; Lula will defend measures against inequality and climate change

The 18th G20 leaders’ summit, taking place this weekend in New Delhi, the capital of India, begins with the challenge of building consensus among the bloc’s members on a position on the war in Ukraine and how to deal with it of environmental problems.

The two issues have divided the bloc’s negotiators since preparatory events for the meeting. With Russia on the one hand, with the support of Brazil and India, and the United States on the other, with the support of European countries, negotiations on the text of the final declaration stalled on the eve of the meeting. Brazilian diplomats believe it might even work, but it will be very difficult to arrive at a final version.

In addition to disagreements over the war in Ukraine, there are also disagreements over the adoption of targets for the use of renewable energy and discussions about limiting the use of fossil fuels. Ending the summit without releasing a final declaration would be unprecedented.

The absence of the presidents of China, Xi Jinping, and Russia, Vladimir Putin, also marks the edition of the Indian summit. Both are represented by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang.

In this scenario, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) will take over the G20 presidency from the hands of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday (September 10, 2023) at the end of the summit. Brazil’s unprecedented mandate actually begins on December 1 and lasts until November 30, 2024. The next meeting between the bloc’s heads of state will take place in Rio in November 2024.

Since the start of his government, Lula has wanted to use his takeover of the G20 presidency to showcase his foreign policy, but divisions in the bloc could overshadow Brazil’s leadership.

In the first months of the year, he tried to assume a global leadership role and distinguish himself as an organizer of peace in Ukraine, but was unable to gain international support. He traded the speech for environmental rhetoric, which has so far been more credible but brought him into conflict with the Europeans.

The Brazilian president wants to address three topics that have been on the list of his international speeches since he took office in January:

  • Social inclusion and combating hunger, poverty and inequality;
  • Promote sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions with the transition to a cleaner energy matrix;
  • Promote effective reform of global governance institutions that reflects contemporary geopolitics, particularly in the UN Security Council (United Nations).

The themes presented by the Brazilian President will guide the group’s discussions over the next year. This is because the G20 does not have a permanent secretariat, meaning it is up to each country holding the presidency to set priorities.

India, for example, took over the leadership of the group in December 2022 and highlighted the themes of sustainable lifestyles, technology, inclusive growth, multilateralism and women leadership.


Lula landed in the Indian capital this Friday (September 8, 2023). The presidential plane landed at New Delhi Airport at 20:45 local time (12:15 GMT). The First Lady, Janja Lula da Silva, accompanies her husband on the journey.

Due to the limitations of Brazilian Air Force aircraft, the route consisted of three stages. Lula left Brasilia on the afternoon of Thursday (September 7), shortly after the September 7 parade. He went to Recife. From there he made his way to Tunis (Tunisia).

The G20 Summit begins on Saturday (Set 9) at 2am (Brasília time). The meetings extend over the entire weekend. Lula arrives in Brazil on Monday (September 11).

In addition to the conflict in Europe, the agenda of this year’s meeting should also include the environment, climate change, inclusive and sustainable growth, global governance and the fight against inequalities and hunger.

Lula is expected to sign an agreement with United States President Joe Biden and Narendra Modi so that the three countries can jointly form a front for the use of biofuels. The information was provided by Minister of Mines and Energy Alexandre Silveira (PSD).

Lula will be accompanied by Minister Mauro Vieira (External Relations). The Chancellor arrived in India a day before the President. Therefore, it did not participate in the Independence Day celebrations.

The G20

The Group of Twenty consists of the 19 most industrialized countries in the world and the European Union. According to information on the official site of the 2023 Summit, the bloc represents about 85% of world GDP (Gross Domestic Product), more than 75% of world trade and 60% of world population.

The group is considered the premier global forum for international economic and financial cooperation with the ability to influence the agenda of international organizations, governments, the private sector and civil society.

The bloc was founded in 1999 in response to the Asian financial crisis. Initially, only economy ministers and central bank governors of the member countries came together to discuss global economic and financial issues.

Beginning in 2008, with a new global financial crisis, the group began holding summits with heads of state and began to be viewed as the premier forum for international economic cooperation.
